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Why a lot of first timers have a bad trip?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Twist3d, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. That... Today I was talking with my friends, and they all agree that most people we know, had a bad trip on first time smoking weed.

    I didn't. Maybe because I started with schwag and it wasn't so intense, then I gradually had higher doses.

    I guess most of the people that freak out on their first time, its because they smoke more than they can handle, usually friends push them to keep going.

    Whats your thought on this?

    Have a great day/night :smoke:
  2. Because their nervous?

    But you dont trip on weed. If they had a issue it was probably a panic attack. Once again, you don't trip from pot.
  3. Heart Rate increases thats when the trips on!
  4. People just need to learn how to handle their shit. If one thing irritates me it people who can't handle their shit, and false accusation too but we can talk about false accusations some other time.
  5. I reckon it's partly because weed is all about mellowing out and just relaxing but it's hard to relax when your trying a drug for the first time.

    That and the fact that when the bud starts to kick in alot are probably thinking "OH FUCK MY PARENTS WERE RIGHT I CAN FEEL MY BRAINCELLS DYING" along with all the government invented symptoms.
  6. Mine was fine. I blazed with my two best girlfriends, my older brother and his best friend who was one of my girls brothers. It was good people which helped. It was us 3 girls first time trying and far from the first for my brother and his friend. I got stoned, but the two other girls didn't. The worst part of my trip was being the only one stoned lol and that wasn't that bad, I just felt bad for the other two!
  7. I think most just don't know really what to expect, i didn't know how strong munchie cravings could be, so i ate so much i felt sick all night.

    Then next time i was smater i knew what to expect so i knew how to deal with it.
  8. #8 CornDawg, Feb 8, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 8, 2011
    Double Post
  9. Probably because they don't know what to expect for their first time. Once my heart started beating faster I thought I was having a heart attack and all of a sudden it was harder to breathe. So, it's kind of a psychosomatic thing.
  10. my first time was thee shit, but the second time my heart started racing like crazy and I didn't eat anything beforehand so I just tripped out and fainted (lol)
    I toked again acouple months later by myself and it started happening again, then I utilized some of the things I learned here. just breath, calm down, and remember you won't die from smoking weed.

    and hey if you do die just know you'll be remember by EVERYONE.. as the guy who OD'd on pot. lol

  11. LOL to that last bit dude
  12. because they smoke dank with has high thc levels but no the right cannobonoids level so they get paranoid and then just freak out cause "there tripping dood"

    then they don't believe you when you say it's a hallucinogen..
  13. It all depends on how you handle it. My first time, I shared a 2-3g blunt between 4 people, then went to a high school football game afterwards, and felt amazing.
  14. because marijuana removes layers of denial that you have over your insecurities and a lot of people who arnt introverts are not used to facing their problems. They feel extremely vulnerable and panic.
  15. When a lot of people take their first hit, the high hits them and they panic because theyve never felt that before. They lose control from the high and can't handle it because they fight the feeling instead of going with it. Same with any other hard drugs its all mental. If you fight the feeling you'll have a bad trip. Just sit back and hold on. Happy Toking :smoke:
  16. Because it's their first time? :confused_2:

    Edit: It's a trick question anyways because you can't trip on cannabis. :p
  17. yes you can trip on cannabis. its very psychedelic when you smoke a lot or eat a good dose.

    I see crazy psychedelic images and movies play out in my head when im super stoned, and my mindset is very much like when im on shrooms.

    anyone whos ever eaten too much MJ knows how psychedelic it can be.
  18. because newbies dont know what being high is like

  19. I dont think this is it. many people i know had an amazing first high even though they had no idea what to expect.

    I really think it is more to do with people not enjoying how well MJ exposes how you are vulnerable and they just dont like the fact that their mind cant lie to them when they are stoned like it does when you are sober.
  20. You dont "trip" from smoking pot....Eating it, sure it can happen.But smoking....give me a break, its not acid.

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