whos enlightened, share your s

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by ete23, Oct 8, 2010.

  1. i reached enlightenment at 20, i think it has something to do with a connection of sort, with my twin who died at one month old.

    kidnap you, make you feel like kid again, i thought if i feel asleep id lose consciousness. so i stayed awake for like 5 days, crazy. i have much work ahead, not really,if i want to rid religion from the face of earth

    i think i play a big part in this, or im conceited, this is why were hot, this is why we lead, get it? or im crazy? or stop talking so much to yourself? call me what you want.
    i suffer but, i hate suffering, i love relaxing, vacationing, i hate work, lol. blast off like NASA with me

    i dont make it rain, im not god, but i am gods son, talk war, its combat time, (terrorists) im working here people, im so sophisticated

    edit: title should read share ur stories, idk what happened
  2. What?
  3. Can you share more on your enlightenment? What does it feel like? How does one know they are enlightened?
  4. #4 ete23, Oct 8, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 8, 2010
    Originally Posted by kaze
    \t\t\t\ti had no sense of time
    i had higher 5 senses
    felt one with nature, absolute believe my dog understood every word i said
    no magic touch by an angel, tried
    brought me to suicide, i was making the rope
    stopped me from suicide
    check in mental hospital voluntary for the pills to come down. thought about terrorism in the hospital all the time

    god put me in charge, see im still manic

    and it all happened because, i tried to prove there wasn't a god
    my first episode i went in cuffs because, i tried to prove god through the bible.


    telepathic oneness, like, 2 brains, 2 minds, in one body, almost gives you a headache. that damn calculator and its reasoning, its idea after idea after idea

    enlightenment loses some of its novelty when you have extreme anxiety in with it, which takes time to heal, i kno

    i thought the whole world was listening to my talk with god, because, we got dirty, i found out later they were not, omg, i brought a lot of evil to light for god, hes with me forever now, one in the same, til death do us part, lol not really

    no further details, i think, i wrote it done

    i cried, i laughed, i cried in pure love of my situation, my blessing, my sins
  5. bro, you have completely lost me. i really wish to discuss this with you and obtain some of your knowledge. could you please respond to this thread only, i am confused with that copy and paste from a different forum that you did.

    if you wouldn't mind....please :wave:
  6. You know, staying up for 5 days can cause massive hallucinating and change in perception of reality..... Big difference between that, and enlightenment.... I know what you feel, ive stayed up many a days longer than 5 and it breaks you, but does not make you more than what you were.
  7. #7 ete23, Oct 8, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 8, 2010
    ya but it was totally telepathic

    sorry copy paste, answered it already, im with no mouse laptop now so my bad lol

    manic episodes come about when trying to prove something grand to yourself, grand thoughts
    dont be surprised how the crown fit him
  8. Telepathic :communicating through no tangible physical means

    Psychedelic: producing distorted sensory perceptions and feelings or altered states of awareness or sometimes states resembling psychosis.

    Psychosis (from the Greek ψυχή "psyche", for mind/soul, and -ωσις "-osis", for abnormal condition) means abnormal condition of the mind, and is a generic psychiatric term for a mental state often described as involving a "loss of contact with reality". ...

    When you are in a serious lack of sleep, your body can no longer differentiate between awake and asleep as your melatonin begins to release and metabolize as you are still awake triggering a large, and elongated release of DMT, which is an extremely psychoactive molecule responsible for dream states, and heavy psychosis.
  9. This. Is. The. Best. Thread. Ever!

    Did God put you in charge of everyone? Or just the manics?

    I too have had my share of frustrations with the calculator and all of its damned reasoning. Did you ever use it to type out the word "Boobless"?

    I wanna talk dirty with God. How'd this come about? Is he kinky?
  10. i was applying just THC, onlyweed
  11. in charge of LOVE
    spreading it subconsciously is my work

    infinite singularity source expanding outwards like a V

    god is the best being ever pure love and totally drama and emotions

  12. Right, but then you stayed up for over 72 hours, and your minds internal clock completely reset, and when that happens, the melatonin you have been NOT using pretty much all flushes into your brain, tricking it into thinking you just slammed into a REM sleep, which then triggers your Pineal Gland to release and metabolize the DMT that is naturally created in the brain, which causes severe hallucinations, feelings of one ness with the universe, often hallucinations of beings, or silhouettes of glowing humanoids are often reported to be "seen" by people in sleep deprivation tests. I have seen multiple people think they became "the one" or some higher form from lack of sleep, or heavy psychedelic drug use, both which can have the same side effects
  13. I didn't realize that reaching enlightenment and being delusional were the same thing.
  14. ya hard to believe myself, but i experienced it, i experienced the LOVE it gave, best sunrise of my life. i stayed awake because, it so much fun!this episode was fun! i believed in god and god helped guide me

    think of jesus 40day/nights then think 5days/nights, 2days/night 'high up there'

    like i said, i went voluntary, last time i was in cuffs

    its not my birthday, but i got my name on the cake

  15. they arent, but when someone says "i stayed up for 5 days and i received a message and enlightenment from some god" you can conclude they were most likely in a form of sleep deprived psychosis. I challenge anyone here to stay up, for 6 days like i did and tell me you were anything but completely insane until your body was re-adjusted. Took my body a week or 2 before i felt completely normal again, i even say a doctor and he said "All you can do is sleep, your mind slipped into a short term psychosis and only it can recover itself" because i refused to take anti-depressants because honestly, i wasnt depressed i was just outright a little nuts for 2 weeks
  16. ok so whatever^ i stayed up because, i was going for a goal, a big one, proving god. like a spiritual experience NOT something i wanted, it just happened this way

    explain how i got to sleep when they gave me meds in the mental ward? right when i got there. ive been staying up, sleeping regular, how would your body feel getting out of a mental hospital(in your head, total ego loss)

    its tough, but ill make it
    your outside looking in, tell me what you see
    welcome to the gathering

  17. Lol yea they gave you meds in the mental ward, most likely an anti-psychotic like thorazine which, in a brain undergoing psychosis, will instantly shut you down and put you do sleep to balance you out, i didn't hit a point in my 6 days where i snapped enough to need medication, i was still fully aware of existance, i was just crazy on top, seeing things worms on the walls, made of the walls and stuff of that nature but i was still able to dismiss it as my mind playing tricks, i denied a dose of thorazine at the dr's because im aware of its function and i didnt not believe i needed a dose.... you went to a mental ward and your trying to say it wasnt psychosis....good argument. Ive done DMT in a state of full consciousness (not sleep deprived induced i smoked DMT) and the place it took me, is exactly like what you describe, funny how a strongly psychedelic drug took me where you were...and you think it still not psychosis...
  18. #18 ete23, Oct 8, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 8, 2010
    the mental ward, i was the most sane person there, for sure, but just being there was driving me crazy, i didnt snap like half the people there who were tripping. i was there because, i thought i talked with god.

    man talks with god 2000 years ago: blessed prophet + holiday
    man talks with god today: crazy nutcase

    i only see signs, im thinking contentment, aka noahs ark, the door is always open, its like a mafia, a master at work through generations(every generation has someone great), the universe, existence, life, etc

    biggie, tupac, and the master lil wayne, lol

  19. man talks with god 2000 years ago before any studying is done on the human mind, there are no answers for why it happened they assumed it was mystical,

    2000 years later and a full reconstructive study of the human anatomy and mental structure and function, we can answer things a little more, now im not going to deny that DMT doesnt transport your mind into some alter dimension, but the beings there are not gods, just the inhabitants of their own realm which is spiritually and psychologically farther advanced than our own, making the human mind completely insane when it gets into there and back because its beyond our fathoming ability to perceive something so deep as, an alternate reality we can enter with a molecule created within our own minds..... Read DMT: The Spirit Molecule, very enlightening book. And maybe read up on alex grey and his DMT art and theories

    [​IMG] Wonder by Alex Grey.

    A visual conception of one peering through the third eye (pineal gland) at the surrounding world, the viewer can see the energies, shapes of reality forming what we know as perception of existence.
  20. #20 ete23, Oct 8, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 8, 2010
    did you ever do 45mph on a scooter around back country paved roads on dmt/2+ gs of weed, at night in the cold tripping taking a 15 mile ride around the area. i was much more connected then just doing DMT. i was beyond that point. super awareness

    can you drive on DMT im asking? deer were jumping out in front of me to, no lie, in back country, i dont know how god allowed it

    i like that picture, makes some sense to me

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