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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by shib, Jun 5, 2009.

  1. I was just driving my friend home from the lake and we were stoned and I was going five miles over the speed limit but driving fine, and a cop FLASHED HIS LIGHTS AT ME and kept driving. I was so fucking scared.

    Can cops arrest you for just being stoned and don't have paraphernalia on you?

    Also, does tolerance continue to get higher the more you smoke or does it peak somewhere? After a t-break is your first high as good as your very first highs? Cause I miss that.
  2. You're all over the place in this post man heh.

    I don't believe they can arrest you for being high. They can't actually tell your high. "Your eyes are red and droopy" can be caused my tiredness, same excuse if you were weaving while you were driving. However if you smell like weed or see anything related to it, they'll search you. If they find nothing, then you'll be ok.

    Tolerance does continue to rise. Smoke weed everyday for like 5+ years and you'll notice you have to keep smoking much more to obtain a good, long lasting high. T-breaks are good sometimes, they'll lower your tolerance, and amount of weed it takes to get you high. It maybe won't be as good as your very first high's, but it'll be damn close.
  3. #3 Cannabil, Jun 5, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 5, 2009
    They CAN arrest you and charge you for being high. It's public intoxication of an illicit substance or somewhere around there. Also, driving high can get you a DUI! So be more careful, you can certainly be arrested and really screwed.

    Not to mention you were speeding which isn't smart to be doing and can also get you arrested.

  4. they'll give you a field sobriety test to make sure you're good to drive and you'll be on your way
  5. I said, it can get you a DUI and it CAN. I've seen it done, so don't just say you'll be on your way like it's that easy.
  6. My friend got a DUI one time and he wasn't even drunk or high. The cops thought he was high though and he got screwed. I'm sure he later got it dropped though, but he still had to go down to the station and everything while the rest of our friends got to go.
  7. From what I've seen, I don't think I could pass a sobriety test while I'm sober.

  8. The point of the field sobriety test is not to find out whether you can say the alphabet backwards, they're mainly testing to see if you can follow instructions. Impaired people can't follow complicated instructions.
  9. Yes they can give you a DUI.. I had to go to a drug and alcohol class and alot of people were there for driving while high. Lets just say everyone in there had a DUI
  10. DWUI Driving While Under the Influence. This is typically the one that they will slam you for, if you're high on something besides alcohol. If you're eyes are "Droopy and red" it will lead to something else typically such as a full search of your vehicle.

    Anyway, cops flash their lights at people sometimes when they aren't doing enough to get pulled over. I'm assuming that the cop wasn't driving behind you, and that he was just on the side of the road. You say he kept driving, so he was on the other side of the road? Either way, it's a cops way of saying straighten up, without being a dick and pulling you over.
  11. I'm rather certain they can bust you for smoking and driving-it's classed as the same as drinking and driving.
    If you're smoking in a car, smoke blunts and toss the roach. That way if you get busted, they have nothing on you and you can just say you're tired or have allergies, or were crying.
    Don't keep parephenalia on you, in a lot of states they will nail you harder for pipes than the actual herb.
  12. You can get arrested for DUI.

    But if a cop asks you if your high, deny it then if they ask why your eyes are red say it is because you didn't get any sleep the night before. And if they ask why your acting strange (if you can't control yourself) say you have ADD or ADHD and you took an adderall.
  13. flashed lights like if you do it are a warning, you were going a bit fast so he flashed you to slow down, not worth the time or effort 5 mph over. they will flash lights for many things, speeding/seatbelt minor infractions.

    or, it could have had nothing at all to do with you one bit.

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