I found this topic at another board, it was an interesting read. Any way, if you could kill anyone, any way you wanted without charges against you. Who would kill, how and why? I would kill the person who ran over my dog two years ago. I would steamroll him/her over. I don\'t know who it was, but he/she killed my favorite dog.
Oooh very touchy topic Earo! I wanted to kill these savages who destroyed these budha statues in afghanistan, I mean this is 2001, why destroy cultural heritage 3000 years old, get a life and provide food and joy to your family instead of doing this shit. I realy wouldn\'t mind to nuke them out of this world! I\'m again\'st killing by the way SJ Earo ,I understand the anger about your dog though, sad
President bush or the whole species? thats a tough decision. As Dubya is a clone by the pentagon of his father, fast grown so he\'d be in time for the election, I believe he deserves to die. On the other hand, the whole species of humans would be next. After all, its not like we ever did the planet any good. the sooner we\'re gone the sooner the solar system could breathe a collective sigh of relief that the warmongering monkeys are finally gone. i know that kind of strays from the one person thing but there you are. --------------------
Well... I\'d pull out my copy of Half-Life and beat the hell out of Liberman with it. If he died and my copy was still good. I\'d blugen Tipper Gore next. Bastard anti-video games bitches.
Well this is an interesting post. If I could kill anyone anyway I think I would kill regan for starting the drug war! and now the ass hole can\'t even remember starting it! I would kill hitler before he worked his way through the ranks. And I would kill my moms ex for beating her up when I was not around, and for killing my best friend, and smoking partner, my dog I had since a kid.(R.I.P) But I don\'t belive in taking lives. I would be fucked if I had to kill my own food
i agree with Greyman. but, since the topic is only ONE person, i\'d without a doubt have to say the sick son of a bitch who raped my girlfriend i got even with him (very even), but i wouldn\'t kill him. not because i couldn\'t, i just dont want to go to jail. other than him, i dont think ive ever harmed another person, and i dont plan on doing so anytime in the future.
YOU TAKE THIS...LOVE...FIST...LOVE...SCAR... LOVE...BREAK...YOU TAKE THIS LOVE...FIST... LOVE...SCAR....LOVE....TOY.....YOU TAKE THIS LOVE...YOU TAKE THIS LOVE....YOU TAKE LOVE... ............................................. .............................................I think this is what happens when we kick the shit out of each other........He just explained it...better........PANTERA andcompany... pleasedonttakethisthewrong way...thatsnotthe intent......... Have a good day..... peace... Cen Doyoufeellikewedo...frampton..sweet
arrrrrrrggggg... need to make a teeny weeny correction...The last(wasupposedtobe) YOU TAKE THIS LOVE....but ended up being... YOU TAKE LOVE.... If I had to do it over.......It would have been........YOU TAKE THIS HATE....... Because that is what I believe it to be.... A hate for being out of control....plus parenting probably had a little to do with it... I have a friend who\'s dad and grandfather were both wifebeaters...he broke the cycle... And told me a little about it....but...its always in the back of his head....... I respect a person who can overcome those odds.......And I\'ve told him as much.... later... Cen
I\'d kill the mother fucker who shot my best friend. I\'d tie him to a wall upside down then take an pelit gun, shoot him say...a thousand times. then I start shooting him in the eyes till he died.