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Who used to do or still does drugs before/at school?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Nathan, Sep 25, 2009.

  1. #1 Nathan, Sep 25, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 25, 2009
    I myself never went to school high or drunk. My friend used to (we graduated) come to school high on a variety of of drugs (we were talking about it and I decided to make a thread because lots of funny things happened when he did) Weed, pain killers, adderal, etc. He never did any thing heavy though for example heroin or meth.

    Share your stories. And please mention what drug(s) you were on.
  2. I was stoned everhy morning in high school.
  3. Goto college classes high on bud... I goto class sometimes on opiates but thats about it..
  4. Only drug I've done before school is weed.
  5. When i went to school high, i felt like i was in a sitcom. It was great!
  6. ive been on lots of different drugs at school
    various pills(benzos like xanax; stimulants like adderal; pain killers like oxycodone, morphine)
  7. Used to go to school high everyday, but realized I needed to focus. Have done a rail in the bathroom and that was fun.

  8. :confused:

    How the fuck did you get away with that?
  9. Weed, alcohol and a few times vicodin thats it used to blaze b4 school, at school and after every single day

  10. Ive done DXM in school, i was still tripping from a 1000mg trip the night before, got caught in 15 minutes.
  11. weed, alcohol, dxm tons of times, every type of prescription and acid once.
  12. seroquel
    dxm (i never got caught)

  13. LOL! How much did you take? Did you get caught?
  14. This last summer semester at my local college I took an A+ computer class and we smoked every week on the way.

    Got an A by the way, but its an easy class.
  15. DXM
    i actually took it during class
    alot of my peers thought i was drunk

    im a weird guy already
    so my teachers didnt even suspect anything

    idk, one of my teachers said
    and i quote
    "KEN, you have NOT stopped talking THIS ENTIRE CLASS"
    and i was like, "im SOO sorry mrs drian"
    and continued talking
    i talk alot as it is
    so again
    no suspicion
  16. took an honors algebra II class
    was high everyday
    and everyone else in the class wasnt

    ppl in that class HATED ME
    b/c i made a 98 in the class, and aced all my tests, and they knew i was stoned in class all the time
    it pissed them off that they couldnt make the grades like me, and they didnt do drugs
  17. i didnt start doing anything really until after i graduated high school. i did how ever take lortabs everyday, all day. my older bro had multiple scripts and he would give me a bottle of them every now and then. didnt start smoking until maybe the last 2 months or so of school
  18. i took mad suboxone before class today, still feeling it. couldnt pay attention for shit in class, but i felt great! haha, been a great day, the nights gonna be even better
  19. I used to get drunk in highschool, this girl friend of mine used to bring in water bottles full of vodka and we'd slam them during lunch. Then we'd go to her house and smoke her garage out and come back in time for math! I miss that shit... mostly because she was hot and I was always ripped out of my mind.

    But I'm in college now and I go baked once or twice a week, I like to save my bud for after class for the most part
  20. I get stoned in the morning and at lunch.

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