who really gives the first fuck....

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by dirtydingusus, Apr 20, 2013.

  1. Omfg....seriously....
    Jesus was a real guy....
    No he wasn't
    Yes he was
    No he wasn't

    Holy fucking shit already....
    Who really gives a fuck....

    I got news for you all...... Jesus doesn't give a fuck....
    even if the guy was exactly as depicted.... who the fuck thinks whether he lived as told or not is in anyway as important as the fucking message he was trying to teach....to people who didn't get it then.... and don't get it now....

    Fuck...if this guy did show up tomorrow....he wouldn't want half his "followers"
    All you humans back and forth over if this asshole was nailed to a stick or not....
    Arguing over details that never mattered....all the while missing out on living your life....

    Fuck some mystical afterlife....
    What we got here.....is life!
    Fucking live it!
    Fuck if this guy lived or not....what did/does his story actually offer the world....
    Lots of people think they know....most of them missed the point as well....

    The lessons were not about his life or death or who he was....
    they were about living your life....

    Want more?
    Seek it allfuckingready....

    Want a better tomorrow....plant the seeds for it today...


    Yet no one does these things....
    Silly humans ignore their lives....and stair at details which hold no merit....
    argue ....fight to the death....over the meaningless bits.... never even noticing as all the best of this gift passes by....

    Jesus doesn't give a fuck if he lived or died....but i bet it annoys the living shit out of him the crap some of you pull/say in his name....
    Bet it burns his mythical ass that so many still miss the point....

    Want to be saved.....
    save yourfuckingself....
    It is your life after all....

    Own it.... live it.... take the wheel for a change...
  2. Are you OK?!?!?


  3. Really depends on when you ask.....;):smoking:
  4. Adam gave the first fuck.

    I mean, you know. Unless he didn't exist. Then I got nuttin.

  5. Ok so should we assume it was this Adam fellow....
    what was it he was giving this fuck for....or about...or to for that matter....
    The only thing his ass cared about was getting laid....and eating fruit in the nude....
    And should tales be true we all know what that got his ass....
    child support payments....and drive thru fast food.....
    Still don't seem to be getting us anywhere.... at all
  6. I'd say the first one was probably given to make a baby. But maybe not. Maybe the first one hooked him on women, who obviously were sent to curse mankind forever.
  7. Can't blame it all on the babes.... we been fucking things up pretty well ourselves....

    I doubt they knew the first fuck would make a baby.... bet that was a shocker....

    Girl why you getting so fat....
    Fuck if i know....kill another pig...im fucking starving!!

    Poor Adam....no baskinrobbins to the rescue....
  8. I think it does matter. What if Jesus was just another David Koresh type? What if his message and teachings actually belong to someone else? Well they do, most have been preached prior to that timeperiod by other humans who may or may not have existed. The point is, we should find who who really said what and give credit where credit is due. Some people are fucks, and some people are special. We need to truely know who was special and spread their message. The truth is important, not just the message. Just my two cents.
  9. I think what a lot of people are saying is that they just read the Jesus story, liked the message, and try to act that way. They don't care if Jesus was real or not. They just like the message of the story. It's kinda like some people watching Star Wars, liking the message of Yoda, and trying to act that way.

    That's a whole different view than being a balls-to-the-wall Christian.
  10. I know those people, but they are often too scared to speak out against the balls-to-the-wall types. They are the most important Christians to the future of christianity. And the truth is still important, so the argument over the truth about Jesus and the credibility of the teachings being attributed to him are still valid.
  11. #11 Postal Blowfish, Apr 20, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2013
    I was being facetious. :D The story does make it out like Eve fucked everything up, though.

    I gotta give em credit, they've been in the news a lot more in the last 9 months than ever before. Muslims and Christians saying, effectively, that's not who we are. I once suggested they had to do that to be taken seriously, and people got angry with me, but religious people are speaking out more lately.
  12. I do get why some are curious about the truth.... i seek truth myself...
    My problem comes from those who are still living like assholes....yet claiming to follow this guy..... and they know nothing of what there is to be known..... yet claim to have some truth....about the bits that do not matter....
    These people annoy me...
  13. They claim to know because they have decided that they have all they need TO know. They don't know that they're basing their knowing on a false premise that only in letting it go will they see what they need to.

    Nothing is ever wasted though, and their attempt to know the truth at all makes a difference when they're finally able to find it.

    I agree that people focus far too much on things that don't matter. Perhaps they do this because they can, and it gives their ego a boost when they use them to make their point. After all, if the letter becomes important, it tends to shout a lot louder than the gentle spirit that lies behind it, covered up by the ego's need to feel important and be right.

  14. They are still getting in their own way...
    everywhere i look...
    trying too hard they miss again and again
    all their knowing keeping them from seeing....

    "When i was a child i caught a fleeting glimpse.... out of the corner of my eye... i turned to look but it was gone... i cannot put my finger on it now... the child is grown.... the dream is gone...."-pp

  15. The problem is it is not enough. After thousands of years of craziness and murder in the name of religion, etc.. they owe humanity more than that. The messages being preached at the pulpits are very misguided. Religion could morph into something much more righteous and humane. However, it is too little too late. Religion will die before it actually fixes its flaws.
  16. Putting all the bullshit that has ever happened on their shoulders reminds me of their origin story. It's not wise or rational in my view, it's like punishing the whole human race because a woman ate a fruit. It isn't fair to them. They have enough to answer for with their own responsibility.

    I agree that religion is on its way out, but at the very least let them try to minimize the damage done if they are willing. A good attitude can be infectious, and we need to encourage that infection to spread among them. When they are standing up for what is right, I am inclined to forgive the past. Only when they are hateful does it remind me of the evil that has been done.
  17. I'm with you. I just still think it is too little too late. And most likely, before archaic religions are finally stamped out (at least enough you can ignore those still remaining) they will bring much more violence and terror to life on this planet. I'm happy to see that spark of responsibility "for your own," but in the end I don't think it's enough or will make much of a difference. I'm a glass half empty person though. Hope I'm wrong.

  18. Don't you mean PF? ;)

  19. I think you might be, as long as they have enough time. Everything is growing, changing, even if we can't see it. While the old diehards will probably continue until they die hard, each generation brings something new. Evolution is a slow process, and religion, by its very nature, doesn't really want to change. But I don't think they have a choice because religion only works as long as there are people carrying that label. The people are changing, therefore how they behave within it must also be changing.

    We on the outside mostly hear about the crazy, the wacko, and the downright disgusting, because that's all the media likes to focus on, but there are good people in there too. They know who they are.
  20. Too long of a rant for me read past the first few fucks.

    Good thing twitter is only 140 characters or less.. Or we would have people like thid all the time.

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