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who likes coffee?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by CHR0N1C, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. just wondering who here likes to drink coffee and why or why not
  2. There's nothing like a hot cup of black coffee, a packed bowl and a Lucky Strike. Except for maybe sex?
  3. that i do, idk why thought, i just do hhaa
  4. doesn't taste good, at all.
  5. I'm just not a huge fan of caffiene in general, and the taste never really appealed to me
  6. yes - 6
    no - 5

    keep voting :wave:
  7. My mornings don't feel right without it.
  8. I used to love coffee and drink pints a day, but the caffeine played hell with my anxiety and stress levels, so I had to give it up. Decaf doesn't appeal to me; it's too neutered.
  9. i deff love coffee, the tast and the caffeine, I don't drink it every day put i dont turn down a cup or starbuck mmm caramel machiatto no whip crip 3 extra shots venti will get your morning going
  10. Tastes like shit, make my breath smell like shit for hours, turns me into a zombie 3 hours after a cup, makes my stomach churn for several hours, and makes me piss out of my ass several times that day.

    So yes.
  11. I love coffee I've been drinking it since i was a kid. I never add sugar though! :smoke:
  12. Love it, black. Maybe a little bit of sugar.
  13. I was given coffee as a toddler, ever since then I've been drinking it. I blame my mother for my addiction.
  14. I liked espresso a lot more than coffee - but now I stay away from it because it up's my anxiety levels and doesn't make me feel any more awake so pff :cool:
  15. i enjoy a good cup of joe in the morning, although i haven't been drinking it recently as i don't have to get up that early anymore. i can't quite drink it black though, i like it with a bit of milk and possibly a touch of sugar.

    what about favorite types of coffee? i like dunkin donuts coffee, i prefer that to starbucks. also i like the coffee from my local bagel shop, i'm pretty it's green mountain.
  16. To give me a boost before going to the gym and because it tastesgoood/.
  17. I love it. I drink a pot or two a day. A large cup with a bit of vanilla creamer and a fat spliff was my routine over the summer.
  18. Hell yeah coffee is like my 3rd fav drug heh...

    I'm addicted to it but thats fine, because the relief after you drink the coffee is wonderful. I just wish my tolerance to it wasn't so high
  19. every morning big ass cup of coffee and a cig
  20. Coffee and cigaretes what's sup.
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