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who is in charge here

Discussion in 'Politics' started by myrrhlynn, Aug 11, 2023.

  1. been hearing a lot about how Joe Biden could possibly have became a millionaire as a Senator.

    apparently it's not that hard.... of the top 50 congressmen, 19 are democrats... 31 are redumblicans.

    #50 is still over $10 M... any bets that #535 is still worth >6 figures..?

    *much of this list is even based on 3-4 year old data.

    Untitled 01.jpg
  2. Rick Scott made a lot of his millions from medicare fraud. We have stickers in Florida that say Rick Scott is an Asshole. I love them.
    • Like Like x 1
  3. Id like to see their worth prior to office compared to now
    • Agree Agree x 3
    • Winner Winner x 2
  4. U talkin about Skeletor? I worked in a couple of his hospitals. :thumbsdown:
  5. My guess is if you are a government worker, you either get held down or you play the game and you get rich

  6. With his retirement, the whole nation owes him a great tribute for his integrity in times of overwhelming misinformation, fake conspiracies, and lies. Thank you, Mitt, for your strength against demagoguery. May the people of Utah select another person of honesty who will counter the continued attacks against democracy.
  7. You're in Florida? Where? I'm in Winter Haven.
  8. Volusia County! Beach side! Well technically river side but the beach is about 2 miles away. ;)
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Do you have a Rick Scott bumper sticker? :inlove:
  10. No I've only lived here 16 months. I would never have any political signs on my property. I wouldn't mind wearing a MAGA hat honestly, but I'd be afraid I'd get assaulted for it and I have zero ways to protect myself.

    I'm not sure where that is as I'm new to the state.
  11. As @NorseMythology asked, how much were they worth before politics?

    I bet most were minted before they started paying for billboards with their smiling faces. I can only imagine that after being incredibly successful some people’s egos get out of control and the obvious next move is to rule their state. I bet a lot of that Top 50 are in that basket.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. D.C. is an insane asylum and the inmates are in charge!!
    Not just the insane, all manner of sick & twisted sniffers, pedos, incredibly stupid, etc etc, , ,
    • Agree Agree x 3

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