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Who Here Wants To See The Marlboroization Or Budweiserization Of Marijuana?

Discussion in 'General' started by JoeVullion13254, May 26, 2013.

  1. #1 JoeVullion13254, May 26, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 26, 2013
    meaning marijuana becomes a giant mass produced industry. Where you got marijuana ceo's, marijuana company headquarters buildings, marijuana stocks traded on wall street, marijuana industry lobbyists giving money to politicians, marijuana commercials on tv, marijuana billboards, marijuana brands, and all the kind of stuff you see with alcohol and cigarettes....
    Do you want to see something like this happen in Colorado with marijuana? How would you feel about there being a "big marijuana"? 

  2. No because then they would start putting chemicals and shit in joints, i think weed should go to the people, not big pharma.
  3. lets say they did NOT put sh*t in the marijuana and were forced to list the ingredients. Smaller companies could be in the marijuana industry too and sell the natural product, just like how we have craft beer. Would you still want to see the marlboroization or budweiserization of marijuana?
  4. I'd like to see dispensaries available to anyone over 18 without needing an excuse to smoke, i want the cannabis market to be completely different than baccy and alchohol. 
  5. marlboro and budweiser... sounds like some mexican brick weed situation..
  6. Will it happen? I'm sure it will
    Do I want it to happen? Personally, I think it is nothing something I would buy, but I am sure there are people out there who would go for the cheap mass produced bud. As long as they list any chemicals (if any) in it then I don't see why people shouldn't have the option to get it.
    But the way I see it, I would rather spend a few extra bucks to get some good bud that I know is clean.
  8. There already is. It's called Californias "medicinal" Marijuana programme. 
  9. It should be "Mary Jane" in a real fancy font. Can I get a pack of Mary Jane sour diesel?
  10. Sure there will be the budweiser of the marijuana industry but there will also be smaller operations dedicated to quality. These will be the Harpoons and the Sam Adams of the marijuana industry, and they will offer tours of their facilities where you can see the finest of buds at every point in the growing and cultivation process and sample them while you tour the facilities.
  11. Idc.. take the good with the bad..

    Id rather it be like that than get prosecuted for my life style
  12. No. Budweiser isn't good.

    Bud light is the way
  13. Shooters of Budliquor and a pack of natural smokes?

    Shit, son...Where do I sign up? :cool:
  14.  That stuff is like piss water. Drink ale, its good for ya. A few strong 8% double IPA's from a local brewery and I am set. A case of bud light and I am sick and sober.
  15. Hell no, but that's a cost of freedom. Really the only con of legalization.
    Big MJ will definitely happwn but I won't buy that shit unless it's organic and local.

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  16. If I could still have my legal grow, I don't think I'd care too much.
  17. I do, cuz that means I could grow it myself
  18. I think that would require the u.s. government to get behind it like alcohol and tobacco. I don't think it will, but if it did, it would depend on the final product that they're selling. You think they would put chemicals in it that have nothing to do with the growing process? IL cigarettes have some chemical that prevents it from burning too long if you're not smoking it. Your cigarette will go out. So it's plausible they would want to do the same to MJ. I'd grow my own in that scenario, but if it was clean bud, I could go for a pack of joints.

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