Who here has an..

Discussion in 'General' started by Parable, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. #1 Parable, Jan 28, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2011
    'Anatolian bump' at the back of their skull?

    An Anatolian bump is a protuberance on the back of the skull said to be related to East and Central Asian ancestry, especially Turkic tribes. it is an unusually large external occipital protuberance.


    Just wondering.. :D
  2. I do. I also have some weird shit going on at the top of my head, like close to the top left spot in the green section. Best way to describe it, if you shaved my head, it'd look like how most dogs have on the top of their skull.

    Oh, and clicking your link takes me to a page that was deleted in Oct. of 09..
  3. Ah. Sorry. Inion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    To the person who does not have an EOP or anatolian bump - Are you of asian descent?

  4. I think i do but i think i don't. I'm too stoned.
  5. I've got a bump like that on the back of my head. I'm pretty certain I have no Asian ancestry though but who knows.
  6. Yep I got it.

    When I first noticed it a while back it freaked me out and I googled that shit real quick.
  7. I have a small bump/ridge on the back of my head but it's only like an inch down from the middle of my scalp and would only be sorta visible if I was totally bald.
  8. I do and my mom has what I call a "handle head." LOL

    I want to do a genealogy map as far back as I can.
  9. I don't but I do have a dent in the left side of my head from when the doctor used forceps when I was born. Or maybe from when my mom dropped me on the corner of the coffee table when I was a baby.
  10. This ^^^
  11. I feel like there's something there but it's not like huge or anything.
  12. i got one!
  13. Oh wow I do. I always thought it was a tumor.
  14. [​IMG]

  15. I guess I do, always thought it was just my medulla oblongata but I'm defintely not of Asian ancestry lol
  16. I haver one and i'm native american.
  17. I can't tell if I have one... I have a lot of hair... if I do it's not that big from what I'm feeling though I don't think I have one... and I am of none of those things
  18. #20 Parable, Jan 28, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2011
    It's usually located right in the middle on the backside of the skull.

    This isn't me, just thought I'd throw a picture in to help people identify if they have one or not.


    I don't think it has anything to do with race, seeing how I'm neither of those nationalities, yet, I have one.

    I wonder why some people have it and some people don't. hmmm.

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