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Who has steam? How plays game?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by dbx64, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. I'm interested in knowing how many of you guys have steam accounts for various games.

    If you have an account, post it up.

    This is mine - I took a long time off from playing (april) because of end of the year senior stuff, summer, then college, and now the work load is finally letting up! Oh and it's been raining here :(

    Steam Community :: ID :: -dbx64
  2. Bump, talking to you on steam and i didnt even see this thread, just a coincidence.

    small world :smoke:
  3. L4d or L4d2 anyone?? :)
    they also made a source mod for goldeneye.. you guys should check taht out. its called Goldeneye: source.. its amazing.
  4. Jggrnghtmn is me.

    I play l4d2 usually.
  5. do people actually play it though? Theres so many mods and nobody plays them.
  6. blackops anyone? nicksk813 add me
  7. Too lazy to hit up the site, is it like online games or something? I could definately get into that at least until I get a new game card for WoW :D
  8. Naw man, steam is an application that you run games from. It has ingame chat and community profiles for each account. Basically you have an account and you can buy games on it.
  9. Oh yeah, theres probably only 5 servers or so..

    But theres usually a few full, depending on what time of day it is. Just imagine, retextured goldeneye with 16 player multiplayer! :D

    Def worth a download
  10. killing floor!!

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