Who has moved and essentially "started over?"

Discussion in 'General' started by 8ight, Jul 31, 2012.

  1. #1 8ight, Jul 31, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 31, 2012
    I'm sure people without jobs have moved out of state and started over, but what about if you already have a good job and just want to move?

    I do like where I live, but I love Vermont. I've vacationed there several times and I just enjoy the area so much. Skiing and mountain biking are two of my favorite outdoor activities, and Vermont is a great state for both. I love the generally colder climate and mountainous environment. To top it off, it is a legal medical marijuana state (though that's not why I'd want to move, just an added bonus).

    Thing is, I already have a good job. I'm 22 making almost $20/hour, full dental/medical/vision/prescription insurance. I've been with the company 4 years now and have advanced a bit, with the high possibility of further advancement in the future. I enjoy my current position... all in all, I've worked hard at setting up a good life for myself. So throwing it all away and starting over doesn't seem right.

    Realistically, I suppose I'd be better off waiting till I finish school (I'm going part time) and THEN start looking to move to VT, ideally after finding a job there. But, at the rate I'm going it'll take at least another 3 years just to complete my associate's degree (I only have enough time for one class per semester--I could try two classes but I'd be tight on time and that's not counting additional time needed for homework and such). So on the other hand, why not just move to Vermont and continue grinding through classes while doing some similar manual labor? I might not make quite as much, but I would make a few changes that would save me money: I'd live closer to work--I currently drive 40 miles one way, and end up spending well over $200 a month on gas. I'd also consider a motorcycle or, if possible, ride my bicycle to work. I'd also look for a cheaper place to live--I currently pay almost $900/month for my apartment (that includes internet/cable/phone). I should easily be able to find something cheaper.

    Regardless, I don't have the proper money saved up right now and I still have a few months on this apartment's lease anyway. I'm just thinking ahead a bit... so, what do you guys think? Anyone just "throw away" their current life to start over in a new location?
  2. I moved upstate when I was 16, left my entire life behind (not by choice)

    Best and worst thing to ever happen to me.
  3. Do it man I love VT too, so beautiful there.

    I haven't started over quite yet but next month I'm moving to a whole new place, and I won't know anyone or anything there either. I'm excited it's like a new adventure.:hello:
  4. I would make a list, have a column called "Pros" and a column called "Cons." Fill in every pro and con and see what has more when you're finished.
  5. I moved from northern VA to northern CA with $7000 in my pocket, to attend Humboldt State on my own dime.

    I left a pretty good job back home to do this. Granted, I had only had that job for 3 months, but I needed a change of scenery so bad that I just went for it.

    It hasn't been easy, but it has definitely been the best decision I've ever made.
  6. I have, 8 times. most recently this past February and i will be again in december. its fun.

  7. Thank you for your deep and insightful contribution to the forum. thank goodness the "high rep" members dont spam at all!

  8. Oh, you're quite welcome.
  9. i an currently in the process of moving and starting over :'(
  10. Just did this about a week ago. I've already met quite a few interesting and cool people. It's a good feeling, starting over from scratch.
  11. Arcata I take it?

    Can't find much real info online for relocating...but I still have that glimmer of hope I will be living on the west coast soon...

    I am so sick of the two faced state of missouri and its retarded cousin, kansas...:p
  12. ya..sucks when they do that huh...never know when they may swoop in and dive bomb some knowledge on unsuspecting noobs...:p
  13. What's your job? Maybe you could possibly get sent to Vermont for work. My mom works as a lawyer for an oil company and they've tried to get her to move to Denver for a long time but she hates te cold. Just see if you can have your job relocate you there.

  14. Yup, Arcata. Chill place, just pretty boring. But, I wanted to get away from the hectic city life anyway.

    If you ever find yourself out this way and need some place to crash while you're working on relocating just hit me up! I'll be here a while!
  15. I'm thinking about attending HSU, any thoughths on it and the surrounding area?
  16. Why does everybody on this forum think California is like the holy state of the US? Cali sucks no jobs, the state is basically bankrupt, everything is crazy expensive, gas is like $5, in Houston gas is around $3.20, living is expensive, and San Diego and LA are disgusting. Although San Fransisco is really cool Id like to live there, theyve got cheap weed and lots of good weed. And arent all the dispensaries in LA and around it getting shut down?
  17. Dont fix it, if it aint broke.
  18. Moving and starting over would be great if I actually had the money to do so.
  19. just moved 300 miles from my hometown, i cant tell you if this is a good or a bad decision yet i'll find out in time.

    Although i already did fuck this bitch so i guess thats a pro right?

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