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who fucking car4es

Discussion in 'General' started by darksmoker, Nov 23, 2011.

  1. i mean really wo fuckin care abotu any of this shit. like ,why does it mtter. just do what you 3want its YOUR fuckin life if shit gets pused over it fuckem, its yourrrrrr life motherfucker. yours. you fucking live once. dont live it how other people expect youu to. i mean god DAMN what a waste thstf be. just do itttttt. o know i am not th ronly one thinking this
  2. This man speaks the truth!

    By the way, you drunk bro or just pissed? Haha
  3. fuck it [​IMG]
  4. The grammar Nazi within realizes you are really stoned and will restrain itself.
  5. i agree. rules are for fules! fuck the fed and david stern
  6. Where do I acquire such brilliance?
  7. damn 6 replies i m ean like i started ths ahaha 30 seconds ago but like yeah whoever said drunk may be close my jack is rubbin low and i aint got shit else to do cept abitch
  8. [quote name='"darksmoker"']damn 6 replies i m ean like i started ths ahaha 30 seconds ago but like yeah whoever said drunk may be close my jack is rubbin low and i aint got shit else to do cept abitch[/quote]

    Aha! I knew it :devious:
  9. Drunk thread lol
  10. Bro you're such a rebel :metal:
  11. drunk words are sober thoughts
  12. im a jappy feller, as you van see
  13. Wasted orrrr what.

    Edit: Ah I see. your going to regret posting a picture of yourself in the morning.

  14. i love this =]
  15. you look EXACTLY like my roomate.

    AND the dude is a big drinker and stoner.

  16. isn't little rock where wal-mart headquarters are?

  17. im a big drinker now that i can no longer be a dtoner, yis a chame i used to be quit weed conisuer, i have no idea how to spell conisuer, but reading that exactly how its spelled makes it soundlike the ord i wanted it to sound like

  18. nah brotha that would be bentonville, like 3 hours away from LR lol

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