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Who else is bothered by this?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by HookahBazooka, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. Like a broken record on this forum I always hear that people only smoke dank weed, Ive had my share of kind bud but in certain areas I rarely if ever get it, I see nothing wrong with going for the cheaper mids option, and even un named beasters or good looking bud that gives you a really good high nonetheless. In fact, the highest I have ever gotten was off of an eighth of un named dank, not only that but I smoked it with some leftover mids that seemed to enhance the effect. Some people don't have access to good weed at all because of the area they live in or their connections. Of course I know tolerance and other factors can go into the effect of lesser weed but is anyone else bothered by bud snobs?
  2. Yeah i know what you mean i occasionally get dank, but i get mids mostly because mids still get the job done and save money.:D
  3. I am bothered also by bud snobs. Where I live, it is nearly impossible to get any good " dank" buds unless you grow it yourself or order off the internet. I can usually tell how good the bud is going to be by feeling, smelling, and looking at it.
  4. I just don't know anyone who sells mids...
  5. How often do you smoke? Since last year where I lived it was all mids short of a couple of nights which were pure coincidence, I smoked almost every day and the effect tends to diminish quickly but after a couple days break the tolerance is back down :hello:
  6. I better move to where your at, used to live in missouri where it was difficult at times to get it but it was never mids.
  7. It does annoy me when every single smoker in the world seems to claim they are getting dank. I even hate the word.

    I get good weed 6/10 times, and 4/10 times I get fantastic weed. Don't be a snob about it.
  8. Nice signature, UK dubstep!
  9. Thank's! I just made it a few minutes ago :D
  10. Dubstep is gaining momentum here in the states but not much of it is good at all, ironically the people who like the filthier stuff fail to realize that that one dimensional crap is the most popular, and not the more palatable and fitting stuff like subscape's all day and emalkay's remixes
  11. personally ill smoke anything(accept the really brown stuff thats not even gonna gimme a buzz) but you can't hate on peoples preferences. i know some people dont really know what theyre talking about(and thats what bothers you i assume) because theyre simply not experienced enough to form a solid opinion on the matter, but to each his own ya know? i think alotta people miss out only smoking "danks" because alot of different strains give you alot of diff highs and if you only smoke danks you restrick yourself to smoking only certain types and miss out on diff highs off diff buds. for example i noticed ill smoke danks a bunch(like1-1.5 grams a day to myself of 15%) for a few weeks straight to the point that i hardly feel it anymore, and then go smoke a blunt of some shwag from the block and ill be on the moon. personally i like all pot, i prefer danks strictly because i'm a habitual smoker and do not like to take more than a few hits to feel a buzz. also danks are usually disproportianately more expensive. for example you may be able to get a gram of shwag for 5$ with say 5% thc content and a gram of danks for 20$ with say 15% thc. thats 4x more money for 3x more thc. these are very rough estimates (and these prices are in my area)but i th8ink theyre pretty representative.
  12. Yeah i can definitely agree, whenever I smoke top quality bud my tolerance rarely goes so high that I cant really feel it, but thats probably because I never purchase more than a half ounce when I get higher priced stuff, and thats only if i can of course. There was even one time when after a couple months of not smoking I hit a blunt with two other people of some pretty low grade stuff but it made everything look like a cartoon, was hard to stop laughing at times :smoke:
  13. i only gets thy dank only but ill take mids if i had to, this make me a snob? eh who cares :wave:
  14. Pot snobs annoy me. I'm not bothered that some people only get dank, wish I was them. But when they start putting down other types of weed and if offered even some high mids/beasters they won't even touch it that's when I get annoyed. Me personally i'll smoke anything that'll get me high. I've had some shitty trimmed almost brown bud that got me almost as high as the most fire headies I've gotten. If they complain about their tolerance well, that's their fault. Most of them don't have a medical condition that they need to smoke everyday just to live. And people always forget that not everyone wants to get super baked every single time they toke. Sometimes I just want a hit or two off some mids to get my day started or i'm about to drive.
  15. I hate the word "dank" also.

  16. i live in missouri all i see is regs and kb lol.. i never really see mids
  17. Don't worry about what other people say or think. It's your money, buy what you like or can get and enjoy the hell out of it brudda. Compared to some of the crap I was smoking 25 years ago, your worst pick up is dank :)
  18. I went there for spring break last year, had to run around in the rain to get to shelter waiting for my guy to pick my friend and I up, the only regs ive seen were from the city, never bought em though, only took part in the toking procedure.
  19. If I could ever find a mids dealer that isn't sketchy I'd gladly take that option at times.
  20. Lol my bad for posting this in the seasoned tokers forum, didnt know questions go in here, no wonder this forum has more viewers, much more general topics. Not to mention I havent started posting until a couple months ago on grasscity, before then I was just lurking around on here.

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