Who busted your like cherry?

Discussion in 'General' started by Mantikore, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. For me, it was right here. Didn't hurt as much as I thought it would, but dirtydingusus was gentle. Minor bleeding.

    Now we'll have a thread to recall them 10 years from now and say "aww, that was a nice time".

    Ahh memories. :smoking:
  2. What is this madness!
  3. Im still in the middle of my like gangbang
  4. i dont know :(
  5. I hope they didn't have AIDS.. :(
  6. capslock bandit
  7. Wait so I'm supposed to post the name of the chick that took my vcard?
  8. Capslock Bandit, it was unforgettable..
  9. It's too disorganized to tell.
  10. marry poppins for meeeee lol:hello:
  11. Capslock Bandit.
  12. You already guessed it.

    Capslock Bandit.

  13. I dunno, I'ma go with the majority and say Capslock though, as will mostly everybody else.

    Fuckin Like whore. :laughing: I havent liked once. :p
  14. breathingxfire took my l-card, and has since gotten banned.... I feel used...
  15. I have no idea so I'm guessing capslockbandit.

    now I'm going to get a virus, me and my computer
  16. HMJ Crimpz

    Capslocks been gettin it in ha ha ha
  17. same, spamcentral
  18. I dont know, but I sure am tired of seeing notifications, and thinking "Holy shit! a new message?!?!" just to see someone "liked" something I posted.

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