Im thinking of going dred, im white with curly-ish hair (if i grow it long) I don't have a clue where to start! Im sure there must be at least one white dude here with dreds? Obviosuly i gotta just grow it, where do i go from there?
I thought about it too, not a good idea. 1/1000 white boys can probably pull off good dreads. 1/100 will try.
You want to wash your hair, hair dreads easier when it isn't greasy / oily. This also means you need to use a non-residue leaving shampoo. Their out there, just ask around. You could also rinse your hair with lemon juice once or twice a week to help speed up the process. Depending on how curly your hair is, you may need to back comb in sections in order to get dreads to form. This is only if your hair isn't curly enough to tangle itself. People hate on white dudes with dreads but truthfully, fuck them. It is hair. They are judging you because you choose to sport a completely natural and ancient hairstyle, instead of spending your money on haircuts and styling product? Whooo caaarees. I myself have never had dreads but have had a couple friends who have--they always loved them.
lmao you go sorry but i see white guys with dreads and I accidentally check ass because i think its a dont go for it man jus drink more red beer man red stripe....
I like the idea of lemon juice, im having a look for nonresidue shampoos now... my hairs goes into wavy curls when i grow it long, not little curls, big wavy ones, and its almost impossible to comb as its so thick, i reckon it may be perfect for locks, we shall see... LOL! Im 6,4" and broad shouldered, if a dude's checking out my ass, hes homo Or just likes tall 'manly' looking girls, ie a homo
well im white and have dreadlocks, had em for lil over half a year or something, just be ready for all the shit people will give you for them, but the color of your skin has nothing to do with your hair, we are all the same on the inside and get a couple of friends to do em, but make sure there legit and watch a couple how to dread videos, take your time with them and make sure to take care of em goodluck and if you have any questions just pm me
I knew a white dude with dreads, his were gross though. They smelled bad. Good luck with yours though!
I took a white girl home with dreads from a bar once... We did the deed, and when she left I went to make my bed and saw a few "Dreads" laying in between my sheets. She had a dreadlock "weave". I kinda gagged, and then I threw away my sheets... Not my finest evening.
dont do it only black guys can rock the dreads i'm serious man, don't, u'll just look grimey. and girls dont like the dreads