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White Widow

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by RG501, Sep 25, 2010.

  1. picked up a eighth of this stuff. i must say it's some of the best shit ive had in awhile. :smoke:

  2. im sure that'll help you enjoy your stay at the holiday inn

  3. is all of that an 1/8th?
  4. looks nice :) havent had white widow in 2 long :/ enjoy it :D
  5. nah thats just a couple buds out of the bag.
  6. looks bomb,happy smoking :smoke:
  7. Looks dank bro.

    Smoke up :smoke:
  8. White Widow Is My Personal Favorite Dank. FuckChea! lol
  9. Those buds look like there extremely fluffy.:D
  10. Doesn't look like very dank widow to me, unless ur camera isnt hd. The shit i had was white widow and it was crystally as fuck
  11. white widow is some potent shit! enjoy[​IMG]
  12. Nice shit, I would love to toke on those buds.
  13. yeah i know. the pictures dont do them justice. i couldnt figure out how to use the macro on the camera.. but its definatly some dank shit. and it reeeks too haha
  14. i think i just nutted... ya man when we got a batch of some KILLER ass white widow for like 2 months was the DANKEST dank this part of the west haha but mine was like emerald light asss green with dark splatchs and was SOOO frosty i swear to god it was like sno caps. i will never forget it, was way too frosty haha
  15. looks very dark green for white widow.......i grew widow for 2 years.......always came out light green by the end with enough trichomes to make it look white (my avatar is a pic of my ww)
  16. looks good for sure but not like ANY widow iv ever had..normally white with trichs.hence white widow
  17. lol that looks like some cheese because its so dark green
  18. cosign

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