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White Widow pick up, with pictures!

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Rastafareye, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. Ok I posted a thred about this and had no pictures, but now I do, and I warned you they would be blurry because im using my laptops webcam. But this is just a nug of it. It's probably my favorite strain I smoked so far.

    Attached Files:

  2. dank man +rep
  3. Yeh man, its so good like it almost tastes like lemon when you take a big hit. its great in a vaporizer too, altough i prefer it in my little glass pipe
  4. Looks a bit leafy but could just be picture quality. Either way it's fuckin dank.
  5. yeah its just the pictures quality, theres hardly any leafs, and theres mad orange hairs and crystals all over, i was holding it and crystals were coming off onto my fingers haha

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