White Widow Clone [Started 10/6]

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by BLUNTEDonPURP, Oct 6, 2010.

  1. Whats up grasscity, been on here about two years and im excited to start my first serious indoor grow. I recently setup my closet with some of the basics. I dont have ventilation just an open window and a few fans to circulate air...im hoping that will be enough. I have two 90w Halogens along with a 15w long light bulb. I dont yet have a thermometer but i will be purchasing one tonight. The halogens are producing alot of good heat for the plant it a actually grew half an inch and another set of leaves overnight last night. I will be adding pictures later tonight after i go out to get the final products. I bought the clone off a friend and its at 13 days so i hope you all are in for a ride because shes a healthy looking lady. Im ready for criticizing so bring it on GC!


    P.S i will also throw a few pictures up of my outdoor crop tonight.
  2. Bump!!

    The bigger plant is the outdoor i got going. Think i might have burn from the lights...red spot in the 1st picture im not sure about, anyone?

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  3. Bumpppppp.

    The WW clone is now 15 days old. Ive never grown indoors and was wondering if its to early to add mollasses. I will be watering today and was wondering what the Tsp(Mollases)/Gallon(Water) ratio should be. I want this to be a healthy little baby i need some help from my fellow GC blades

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