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White Widow and Strawberry Diesel. Indica?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by m3t4lm4n222, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. #1 m3t4lm4n222, Feb 3, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2011
    So today my friend tells me that his mom was looking to push Half and Ounce of White Widow and Half and Ounce of Strawberry Diesel thats from a dispensary. I didn't have any money, but this other dude that smoked me out this weekend had $40. So after our last class, we headed over to my friends house (His mother deals, he helps push some of their load) and bought a 20 sack of White Widow and a 20 sack of Strawberry diesel. (20 sack=1.3G) Since neither me or my friend could smoke in our houses (We both still live at home, my parents allow me to smoke, just not in the house) we smoked at my friends with like 5 other people (My friends mom and her friends included) anyways, they broke out a nice slider bong and my friend packed like 2 bowls of white widow and 1 bowl of strawberry diesel, then another person packed another bowl of strawberry diesel and then another person packed 1 bowl of White Widow in a dry sherlock pipe. Well.. I could notice a nice high after I only took one hit of the White Widow. By the time everyone was done packing, I had gotten about 5 nice hits (3 White Widow, 2 Strawberry Diesel)(Remember, passing between 5 people) Anyways, I was super baked. My friend was driving back to my house and everything seemed closer than usual and really smoke. I remember I popped my back but I couldn't feel anything.

    Anyways, does anybody know is White Widow and Strawberry Diesel are indica dominant? Becuase I felt a different kind of high than usual (I usually get Sativa) High feelings, but I felt more Indica stoned.
  2. White Widow is a hybrid if I remember right but I think it sativa dominant. It depends on when WW was harvested truth be told. I have no clue about Strawberry Diesel but if its in anyway related to Sour Diesel, it will be a sativa.
  3. Its Strawberry Cough x NYC Diesel apparently.

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