white spots

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by kevin420, May 16, 2007.

  1. my plants outside have small white spots on them is this from spider mites? I heard that you mix a little dish soap with a lot of water and spray on the leaves, does this work is there any other ways of getting rid of them.
  2. Could be spider mites. Dish soap kills lots of bugs. So does neem oil.
  3. 1. 20 cloves of finely chopped or minced garlic soaked in olive oil for 24 hours.
    2. Strain the solution.
    3. For every 2 tbsp. of oil-garlic solution add 2 cups (32 tbsp.) of water. (Doesn't necessarily need to be 2 tbsp., just make sure it is a 1:16 ratio of oil-garlic solution to water)
    4. Now with this new solution add a few drops of dish soap if you used the 2 tbsp., if not do the math or just go with the flow.
    5. Now with this solution use the same ratio as before of solution to water. (This seems really dilute but it works)
    6. Strain out any remaining solids.
    7. Spray directly onto plants, especially the undersides of leaves, every 4 or 5 days.

    This worked great for me for whiteflies and I hear it works for spidermites as well.
  4. plant something nearby that actually attracts mites will help wonders,I actually plant within inches of blackberries in the swamp & I have no issues outdoors with mites

    Indoors is always another game

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