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White spots on leaves?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by MAgrowing96, Jul 25, 2017.

  1. Any idea what these white spots could be? And what can if do about them? It's only happening to one of my three plants, they're all about four and half weeks into flowering.[​IMG][​IMG]
  2. Possibly thrips? Do you have and visible pests?

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  3. Maybe spider mites cant see clear

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  4. Check under leaves looks like Mites
  5. I don't see any visible pests, I'll check under the leaves for mites

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  6. Thank you! I'm actually at work right now but I'm gonna check when I get home. How would I go about getting rid of them?

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  7. I bought this off Amazon last week. Worked pretty well as far as getting rid of little flies I had from fox farm soil[​IMG]

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  8. #9 STIGGY, Jul 25, 2017
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2017
    Post a picture of the leaf over in Jerrys Mite Site Link Spider Mites
    I would say he is local expert The link is to his mite thread
    Jerry is a Great Guy

    Might not be mites but it looks like what I had once and was a real pain to get rid of
  9. I agree. It's spider mites.
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  10. Fuck. Do I have a bad case? Or can it be stopped?

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  11. It can be stopped. You need neem oil or Essentria IC3 (about $30 on Amazon). Or you can go to a local garden or hydroponic store and ask for anything that can kill spider mites. You can get rid of them. It's just a pain in the ass.

    You can confirm if it is spider mites by simply looking underneath the leaves. Get a magnifying glass and look. They are very small.

    And with neem oil or Essentria IC3, you can put those products into a spray bottle and spray the leaves. Make sure you get UNDER the leaves, as that's where the spider mites are.

    Oh, and also bed bug killer can work. Those can go for about $10 on amazon
  12. Or search for 420 pest bully on amazon. It is an organic way to get rid of a lot of bugs in your garden. It is about $25 for 32oz. It will last a long time
  13. I don't think there's any doubt that OP has Spider Mites - what a shame. If there's one pest that Cannabis gardeners truly hate - it's goldurn spider mites. Ugh.

    OP, click on the link that @STIGGY linked you to.

    He's also a Great Guy - LOL :)

    Seriously though, you need to get on this immediately. Start reading that thread. It has everything in it you need to know as far as how to go about getting rid of your spider mites organically. You don't want to start spraying poisons on cannabis that you'll be smoking or eating. You'll definitely need to pick up a few supplies - starting with a good pump sprayer.

    How large is your garden area? How many plants, and about how big are they?

    There are three items that work really well to get rid of spider mites in an organic manner - Cold pressed organic Neem oil - and I'm referring to pure, simple cold pressed oil, and not a "neem product" like is often found in many Hydro stores. The best neem comes from India (proven fact - the ppm' s of Azadirachtin, which is the main organic compound that gives neem its pesticide properties is higher for some strange reason on trees grown in India over neem grown in China), and I was referred to & use the oil from - it's beautiful stuff and very potent. A little bit goes a long ways. There is also Karanja oil - which is Neems wild harvested cousin, which also contains the same organic compound Azadirachtin, and which is also sold by but that could be for a different conversation.

    Second, is Spinosad, which is a bacterium that will also take care of spider mites and is approved for organic gardening. This is manufactured and sold by two companies here in the United States, one is known as "Captain Jack's Dead Bug Brew" and the other is "Monterrey Gardens Insect Spray". If you choose to buy either of these products, be sure to buy the concentrate and not the "ready to use" spray bottle. The ready to use bottle will be empty before your half done with the first application. Trust me, I've made this mistake myself.

    The third item(S) are plant essential oils such as Rosemary, Mints, Garlic, Cinnamon, Lemongrass, Clove etc etc. The good thing about using an assortment of essential oil's is that their pasts cannot build up an immunity or we could discuss those another time if you were ever interested.

    There is no doubt that you have spider mites judging by your pictures. Read the thread.

    Good luck - these things are a damn pain in the ass to get rid of.

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  14. Thank You kind Sir
    You say it so elegantly....................
    Lov YaBro
    Now if LLB was still here I would have surely asked her .....................Not LOL
    Jerry inderstands
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  15. Thank you so much for all the help and information!! I've been reading that thread, and I'm going to stop by some local places tomorrow. I don't really have time to order online. I think I'll try spraying with neem oil first. I have 3 plants in a 4x4 grow space, not sure on the exact height, maybe 1.5 - 2 feet tall. A month into flowering.
  16. Be sure to read the thread - you need to emulsify the neem oil - as oil does not mix with water. It's not a big deal but you cannot just add a teaspoon of neem oil to a gallon of water.

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  17. Ended up going with the Spinosad instead, I wasn't able to find any organic neem oil locally and I also read that it can make the buds taste bad when used during flowering. Is this the right stuff? And would you suggest spraying while my lights are on or off? [​IMG]
  18. #19 jerry111165, Jul 26, 2017
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2017
    Hiya pal.

    Yes and positively Spray right after lights out. Not sure what you have on your floor but it's gonna get wet.

    What are you using for a sprayer?

    You did good with the Spinosad concentrate.

    When you Spray it's ok to have a small light going so that you can see what you're doing but do this right after lights out so that the plants have time to dry completely before lights come back on.
    Spinosad (and most other sprays of any kind) can burn tender calyxes under intense lighting so spray after lights out and make sure they're dry before lights - on. A fan after drying on their own for a couple hours can help.

    Pay special attention to the underside of EVERY SINGLE LEAF.

    Repeat in 48 hours. Repeat in another 48 hours and another 48 hours after that.

    After these 3-4 successive 48 hour applications go to every 3-4 days for 2 weeks and then to once per week.

    By doing these close together sprayings you'll kill the adults and continue to do so that they don't grow to adulthood and lay more eggs - otherwise by spraying randomly you'll kill the adults but new eggs will hatch and you'll be back to square one - YOU NEED TO BREAK THE EGG CYCLE.

    Keep us posted and GL

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  19. I'd smother the leaves (undersides) every other day with what you bought and then with cold ph water in between for at least 3 weeks . the adults die easily but like fleas the eggs are not affected by any spray . they will hatch but then take time to become adults....your gonna have to break the life cycle to defeat them 100% ..something I've never been able to do...good luck


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