White splotches.

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by CannabisKings, Aug 2, 2012.

  1. #1 CannabisKings, Aug 2, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 3, 2012
    I have a plant that's been showing some really weird white splotches randomly throughout the leaves. The plant is still growing with decent vigor and it doesn't seem to be hurting the plants any, but I'd like to figure out what it is. It showed up before I even began my nutrient cycle, and has continued to show on new growth. By the time the leaves appear, they already show it.
    It's not something that just has eventually spread throughout the plant.

    Any ideas? Is it possible for too much humidity to cause something like this? There are 16 same-age plants in the room total, and it's just this single plant effected.

    Attached Files:

  2. It's not the humidity. Check the soil pH first. Start with pure water and check its pH. With a quality probe-type pH meter wet the soil all the way through and let it sit for a couple hours before testing. If you don't have an accurate soil probe, wait until the damp soil has sat for a few hours and then squeeze some liquid out for testing. You can usually just press on the soil surface and collect the runoff.

    Post your results, what's in your soil and what fertilizers you plan to use. Make sure you have a strong, organic source of Phosphorus like Bone Meal, high-P Guano, etc. They'll need a healthy dose of it as soon as the pH is checked.
  3. #3 CannabisKings, Aug 3, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2012
    I'll do a pH test of the soil at some point tomorrow. I have a soil probe pH meter, but it isn't the best quality. My water meter however is very accurate, and I'm currently watering at 6.0. I'll do a runoff test and post it up at some point tomorrow.
    GH Flora Series (Micro/Bloom/Gro)
    FoxFarm Grow Big

    Soil - ProMix HP Mycorrhizae with a little touch of extra perlite.
    Recently I've switched to a full veg mix, but had been going really light on them as to not stress them too much until they were fully surrounded by panda film and temp was balanced and such in the new room.
    Current mix: Foxfarm growbig-10ml / gal
    GH Micro-20ml / 2 gal
    GH Gro AND Bloom 15ml / 2 gal
    The light mix was just half of that.
  4. Hi, your plant has a virus. If it is not self limiting, and does not go away in less than another 2 weeks, or you find that it has spread to another plant, then you will have to kill it and any other affected.

    Most plants viruses are like our 'colds' and they are self limiting, go away on their own, if it's spreads or lingers, it's more than just a simple cold, and will cause problems.

    Nothing helps, just like with humans, it's usually ok. Keep an eye on it. When the new growth doesn't have the variegated swirling, then it's ok again.
  5. looks like might be Tobacco Mosaic Virus

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