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white specs in the bud, could it be PM?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by weedtime, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. i overheard my weed guy talk about grabbing some wet weed and drying it out and selling it. i think i got some of it. this stuff smells like nothing, like...not weed. it looks like some good good but damn, 70 an 8th for this? I havent felt this ripped off in a long time.

    you see, there are these small white pieces (sparingly) not much at all, in the bud. could this be powdery midlew? i really dont get high at all and get more of a headache then a weed high. kinda reminds of perlite pieces. but not so big.

    what kind of scenario do you think this is? someone wanting to get rid of some wet weed, or weed that went bad? thats what i think, but what do you think? have you gotten weed like this?

    i think its time to take a T break from smokin until i find a reliable NON DOUCHE BAG human being to communicate with about sales. i hope i dont get sick, i threw went back to his place and duck taped it to his front door, with the baggie hanging down. im so pissed.

    thanks everyone for reading my rambles. :)
  2. As a human being who has ingested large amounts of mold and spores, I can honestly say you'll probably be fine if you haven't noticed anything serious by now. But that could be the mold in my brain talking, trying to get you taken over by moldasites (mold parasites).
  3. I'm so scared that I'm gonna get moldy weed one day. It would just gross me out so bad. Best of luck on your future herb purchases, friend.
  4. 1. You didn't notice abnormalities in your weed before you handed over the money?
    2. 70 an 1/8th? You should never pay more than 60 for even the dankest of dank.
  5. Your story makes it sound like mold... can you post any pictures?
  6. if the weed isnt even dried yet then its not cured. weed doesnt really get the funky smell until its been cured(at least after its been cut off of the plant). as for the white specs your talking about, its really hard to determine mildew or mold without pics. but one thing i can say is that weed is very sticky when its growing and if it is growing in a dirty or dusty space the the fans will just blow all of this shit around the room and it will stick and collect on the buds. i made a growbox out of drywall before and the fans blew a lot of the excess dust i didnt remove around and when i harvest the plant there were little bits of drywall throughout the bud.

    next time if the weed is wet dont buy it. you are just ripping yourself off. non dried weed loses (roughly)3/4 of its weight before its all said and done. also the headaches could be due to not flushing the plant and not dring/curing properly. too much chlorophyll will cause headaches i believe
  7. Sounds like someone got rid of some bad weed on you, and overcharged you.
    Never pay for something you dont like, its simple.
  8. hey guys, thanks for the replies.

    here are a few pics. what do you think?

    yeah, i think i got some bad weed. ive been smoking for a long time, and i havent felt this ripped off in a long time. i really feel like kickin my self in the ass for being stupid.

    the headache thing, your right about it being not flushed right, i belive it can give u headaches. i dunno, take a look at the pics.

  9. here are the pics

    i wish i knew how to take better pics

    Attached Files:

  10. where are the white specks you were talking about?
  11. Hard to tell... I see some weird looking stuff in the last pic though. Lots of trichome coverage... attempting to find mold or mildew...
  12. that white stuff you see are called trichromes. that is what gets you high. you still got butt fucked on the 70 for an eighth though.
  13. i mean the bud looks good.
    i would smoke it. but i agree, 70 for an eighth . . . :bolt:
  14. This sounds like something Creed Bratton would say... Haha
  15. Lol. Im pretty sure you're talking about trichomes.

    Looks lto me like some pretty green bud.
  16. the white things are pretty much gone. and yeah, 70 an 8th is to much. i think 60 is to much. 50 bucks and thats it. top shelf. why is everyone so greedy?

    i know what the trichomes are, what i really need is a mag. glass to see for my damn self. i dunno, it was just odd seeing something in bud i dont normally see. thanks folks
  17. looks good but the most i pay for is 60 an 8th and thats for named strains

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