White Power?????

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Kronik352, Jun 9, 2020.

  1. If you genuinely think their is still systemic racism in American you are absolutely ignorant. Does racism exist. Absofuckinlutely. Is the US setup to hunt down and hold back black americans. Absofuckinlutely not. Far to many successful black people to debunk that theory.

    Democrats control the black/lower social class communities and promote laziness and reward you for it.

    Facts are facts. Their proven statistics. Argue with it all you want. Adapt. Or get left the fuck behind. If you think these protest, protesting a false movement, BLM is a pathetic joke, are going to warrant change youre either 1 crazy or two dont realize the change you're going to cause once the majority take action.

    We are talking about the only states with big problems are blue states..... what a coincidence
  2. Sprinkler system, fire insurance, fireproof home? Maybe the private fire department would still put it out in good faith you would then accept their service. The VIPER security team up in Detroit still help people that aren't paying customers.

  3. Need I remind you that in 1775 when the revolutionary war started the majority of colonists were not in favor of separating from England. It was somewhere around a third that wanted to become independent, yet enough people took up arms and fought in that war that soon enough the United States of America became an independent nation.

    When you can't accomplish your goals through the existing political establishment there are other ways to succeed.
  4. #284 NorseMythology, Jun 29, 2020
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2020
    You didn't respond to my last objection you just piled on more falsities, come on man.

    Nikola Tesla and Westinghouse brought us electricity, not taxes, try again.

    Show me where forced taxation brought about oil, gas, electricity and water.


  5. IThe ones who want change want change because the way the world is setup right now makes you work and is to hard for their poor lazy souls. Anybody can take the easy way out. Its hard to keep your head down and grind all day every day. Make money the right way. Pay your taxes. It sucks and I live paycheck to paycheck but I do it and im not out seeking food stamps or anything extra because I live within my means.

    The world is a poor pathetic soft place right now. But hey. Election is right around the corner. What better time for a political stunt to push these riots and false movements
  6. Also, the world we live in is so opinionated. So if "we the people" are the ones making decisions and calling the shots, we won't make it out of the 2020s.

    "We the people" are stubborn myself included, the worst possible thing is leaving a bunch of self opinionated people to make a decision. Because regardless of what you think, EVERYBODY, all citizens will vote. The community fighting for laziness is not the majority.

    Why is a debate even a thing. Because WE THE PEOPLE can't agree and make a decision. You start having millions upon millions trying to decide vs like 20 you'll probably run in to some problems
  7. I can see too many folks saying fuck it - not paying which means there wouldnt be shit for a real police dept and the really bad folks would have a free for all - raping, pillaging - the usual fun stuff.

    if only half, or less than half are paying, how effective could it be. Murderers would get away with murder.

  8. Which doesnt it seem ridiculous that out of 330million people, maybe who 1/4 of the population decide who rules the rest, if one portion wants one form and the other wants another, why not let each have their cake instead of having this horrible division.

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  9. Your scenario consists of two different countries then. Each side cant have a piece of the cake. Everyone is to greedy for that. Thats why there is a set standard to live by in the United States.

    One half wants to change and or lower the standards of our country which is the people rioting. The other half, the majority, is content the way the world has been ticking for hundreds of years and have adapted to survive and Fought hard to keep those high standards.
    Adapt to survive. Been the metta for billions of years. Its not rocket science. Im native American. You don't see me bitching about "the white man" taking over my ancestors land. Tearing down Indian reservoirs. I accept the high standards we have in America and have adapted to those standards. Ive worked my ass off my whole life and have instilled these standards in to my son. He's 7 years old and wants to work so he can make money. Doest expect it to be given to him.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  10. I cannot argue with your projection so instead would you give this a shot even just 20min

  11. Each State is its own country, only they succumbed to Federal overrule, so it would be 50 not just 2, and I highly doubt those two parties would get split representation.

  12. Each State is its own country, only they succumbed to Federal overrule, so it would be 50 not just 2, and I highly doubt those two parties would get split representation if any.


  13. Lmfao each state is its own country hence why we have depended on federal law for all these years. Maybe that's because the people can never reach a mutual decision on anything so rules and regulations were put in place to make the decision easy.

    So instead of putting the decisions in the hands of opinionated people of the country, there's a set standard. Adapt to survive or get left behind. Ive said it for the last time here. Adapt to survive or simply get left the fuck behind.

    The hard working tax paying good Americans don't give a fuckkkk about the petty stuff going on in the country. It's just getting people like me out to vote for the first time ever to ensure a democrat does not get elected to continue to add fuel to the ignorance taking place in the country
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  14. Maybe you could tell me why/how so many States ignore the Federal prohibitiin of Cannabis?

  15. Damn right mate and I'd be one of them.
    Why work when I can just take whatever I want from whoever I please. Get a squad together and just go from place to place using up the resources we find untill eventually we pick the wrong fight and lose.
    Yes I've watched mad max one too many times but without a govornment or police to control the population that's exactly how it would go.
  16. Because there's a legal loophole created by law experts that allows them too.
    And guess what... the schools that educated them were funded by TAX PAYERS.
  17. You wouldnt make it far in the U.S.

  18. Would it surprise you that plenty of the big universities were founded by private individuals, including Standford

    Keep trying man, eventually you might be right

  19. Plenty, not all and certainly not the majority. Also the vast, vast, vast majority of schools are tax payer funded so without those there would be very few people intellectually capable of going to university in the first place.
    The electricity in my house was provided by my local council.
    The running water in my house was provided by my local council.
    The gas supply to my house was provided by my local council and if any of those things fail then I don't have to pay my local council any rent for the duration.
    If my water even gets dirty I get free rent because we pump a lot of money into our local councils to ensure they keep to high standards.
    If you wanna live in a shit hole mud hut drinkin nasty well water then you go for it though bud.
    I'll just chill here with my 48ppm, almost pure water in unlimited supply with the heating cranked up and all the electricity I can use. Safe as fuck cos my govornment make sure nobodies gonna come through my door with a gun.
    I'm in one of the most taxed places on earth.
    20% of everything over 11k goes to I come tax.
    18% of everything over £173 per week goes to national insurance tax which means myself and family get all the medical care we need.
    Then I pay 20% VAT on everything I buy and something like 80% of all money spent on tobacco and alcohol goes to tax.
    And you know what mate. I'll happily pay more to make sure I don't have to live in a country where I need to worry about people comming through my door with guns to take what's mine.

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