white powder on the lower leaves?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by up in smoke, Jul 8, 2007.

  1. on one of my plants there is theis funny white powder on the lower leaves does anyone know what this is.
  2. well if its a male it could be the pollen sacks opening up and falling down, look for a pollen sack, if its a female. well then im assuming its just the THC building up. hmm werid.
  3. THC building up would look like this

    Attached Files:

    • thc.JPG
      File size:
      17.9 KB
  4. well if your growing outdoors it's a little early for thc forming like that or pollen sacks to be forming on your plants as it's not 12/12 in most places, but if it is 12/12 it's definitely just powder from a pollen sack or crystals, but if your plant is not flowering yet i have no idea, a picture would help:smoking:
  5. mold or fungus, get a sulfer burner, or a fungus & mold killer
  6. If it's been very moist in the area it could be powdery mildew. If it's like a white powder that you can rub off, that could be it, but without a pic it's just a guess. You can get a spray from a garden store for that.
  7. ya it just like white powder u can rub off what is it?. not thc:smoke:
    i will post a pic soon
  8. It sounds to me like powdery mildew, it will spread, and you don't want to get that on your buds, I don't think it's harmful, but it makes it taste bad, and you probably shouldn't smoke mildew.

    This is the stuff I used, I recommend watering it down, they say you can on the label but you don't have to. I didn't and it burned the leaves, it got rid of the mildew though. But I would definitely go at least half and half with water, probably more water. If it's not effective with that much water mix it up again with more solution. That is of course if that's what it is.

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