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White peices(leafs) on weed

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by MoleyBear, Dec 31, 2012.

  1. Just picked a gram up off a new dealer and it has these little yellowy/white leafs. Should i smoke it or just throw it? (only a gram)

  2. wait a sec
  3. Photo please.
  4. umm..without pics my guess is either nanners or just sugar leafs that yellowed/paled at the end of harvest

    edit: some leafs pick them off and schmoke it
  5. Is that wet?
  6. Looks like leafs that had no nutrients/chlorophyll, you should actually enjoy this bud. Its a good sign to see leafs like that because it kinda is a sign that the bud was flushed towards the end.
  7. no the bud isnt wet, so its completely safe to smoke?
  8. yeah just try and pick off those leafs
  9. Ok, thanks man. These yellow leafs arent harmful if i do happen to smoke ones i didnt pick off?

  10. Plants as they grow and even before harvest retain certain nutrients and fertilizers, I would try and not smoke the leafs as they wont get you high and will only make the smoke more harsh.
  11. ok thanks man. I probably won't go to him again, just trying out different people :)
  12. It looks like some good man, just create a relationship with your dealer per say and let him know you only want the dank stuff lol
  13. haha i got a dealer who sells dank but she wasen't in :(
  14. #15 Four20J4K3, Dec 31, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 1, 2013
    Lol, doubt you would even notice it...Maybe an odd smell like when a hair gets into the bud lol.. Looks like dealer weed :p Vac packs of sprayed cheap crap weed bought in kilos to sell off to those who know nothing better.. 70% of weed culture now is buy bulk to sell... Vac packs of mass produced crap weed floods..

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