White male privilege?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by ItsReneeYo_, Oct 21, 2014.

  1. #901 garrison68, Jan 23, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 23, 2015
    Well that's your opinion and thank you for expressing it here.  You have every right to it, even if I disagree.   I don't even have children, did not get married until I was middle aged, and I certainly don't think that everybody should think or behave like this, and I'd be a fool to expect it.  If they did, the population would die out - which is the exact opposite of what you claim.  

  2. I guess you've never done any tax work before? Because the system doesn't work that way.

  3. It's 2015 and people still think like this? Good lord, the misogyny, absurdity, paranoia and ignorance of this actually made me laugh out loud.

  4. Which "Good lord" are you referring to?  
  5. It's funny how Garrion refers to those "Marxist feminists" as ruining the glory days of the 1950's, when the top marginal tax rate during that decade was 90%, and only went down from there.
  6. #906 *ColtClassic*, Jan 23, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 23, 2015
    I can totally agree with people not wanting to contract with the state, but I see your point. Also, some states(9) currently have common law marriage, only Utah requires validation via court or administrative order.
    As well as a multitude of studies. Children are far more likely to develop with mental health issues and drug dependency problems if they are raised in a single-parent household.
    You are incredibly skilled at changing the subject :D
  8. It's called a coversation.
    It is called evasion :D
  10. So what are you doing now, if not changing the subject?
  11. it does iin fact work that way.

  12. We have to be careful with some of these studies and averages in general. What a lot of these studies don't take into account is, homes with two parents are also far more likely to not have drugs in the house for a multitude of reasons. Often times it's a lifestyle and a choice. For instance people like to say vegetarians live longer healthier lives. But they fail to mention a much larger percentage of vegetarians are also health minded people who hike, bike, and regularly exercise. That they are far less likely to be smokers and heavy drinkers etc etc. So to say vegetarians are healthier because of being vegetarian is only half truths, like kids being born in broken families are more likely to not succeed is only half the story. The type of person willing and wanting to have kids on their own usually lives a much different lifestyle than someone who plans and prepares that's all.
  13. If you don't work, how do you know?

  14. that makes no sense.

    How does working or not mean I do or don't know the law?

    Also do you even know if I work or not?

    The original question about the 50's was were women in some ways treated better than they are now? Or was the plight of the 50's housewife universal?
    If the former is true, was it a worthwhile trade off?
  16. #916 Penelope420, Jan 24, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2015
    How were women in the 50s treated better, in any way?
  17. “Gradually I came to realize that my understanding of women goes only as far as the pleasure is concerned.”

    Now that's an time-apropo quotes from Bukowski, but I think it offers insight into the thought pattern of the reactionaries to feminism. In their dialogue is a theme of rationalizing positive freedoms and ignoring negative freedoms, especially those concerned with dignity.

    I find myself lapsing into that thinking pattern by default sometimes. It is absolutely hegemonic.
  18. #918 Vicious, Jan 24, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2015
    Those chances become exponential in homosexual house holds, especially mother-mother.
    It amazes me there are people think a traditional family is oppressive. It's a tell-tale factor in mental health.
  19. #919 jas43, Jan 24, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2015
    Everything is oppressive nowadays.
    Just disagree with something.... Anything ... and you're instantly a super special victim.

    Plus tradition families have that damn "patriarchy"!
    One of the widely accepted conspiracy theories on GC.
  20. I grew up in a homosexual household

    My dad came out after divorcing my.mom when I was about 4


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