White male privilege?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by ItsReneeYo_, Oct 21, 2014.

  1. It's funny when I see it around the threads, and I was talking to a friend yesterday and it made me think.

    Everyone has their own set of privileges some that they may not be aware of, I'm privileged because I come from an educated middle class family with the funds to support my education, but does that affect the way I feel about certain things? For example, schools in poverty ridden areas, children without an education or a basic understanding of the things they should know at their age? Maybe, maybe not.

    That's sort of besides the point, but I'll never understand why in race debates or in gender role debates someone has to bring up the whole white male privilege thing. Sure, they are privileged, all of us are in our own ways but what do we get from telling these people they're privileged? Essentially nothing but an uninterested opponent in a debate. It doesn't add to the conversation to tell someone how they're are privileged, it's probably some kind of fallacy that I don't feel like looking up. Before I used to brush it off, now it's getting on my nerves. I mean what do you think? Am I wrong? Every humans experience is subjective, we don't ever all go through the same things no matter what race or creed you are. Talking about privilege has no place in debate.
  2. Its not such a concern for us here. There has always been a class herachchy here;.
    Diffrence is we have been trying to get rid of it since 1918, and you guys have been trying to adopt it lol


    Our upper class hold the middle class with same contempt as the working class. Although I think they refer to them as scum rather than working class lol

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  3. America is changing. It used to be, that only white males were privlilaged to become president. Now things have changed.
  4. Yea now you got black privellaged taking you for a mug aswell the white ones. They are all cunts

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  5. white males used to be privileged

    Now we just make fun of it

  6. #6 BakedSnarf, Oct 21, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 21, 2014
    You're quite right, the fallacy you speak of is known as the relativist fallacy. Quite frankly, everything one person experiences is all relative, all subjective to his or her own thoughts and understandings.
    I think that is where the argument stems from, from this idea that because a person is white and grows up in a upper-middle class neighbourhood, they're suddenly getting the best society has to offer. Realistically though, it all comes down to the individual at hand. Having myself grown up in an upper-middle class neighbourhood, I can say from experience that it all comes down to the individual and what experiences they themselves encounter. My sister for example had the same opportunities that I have, the same funding for a post-secondary education, yet her life has been vastly different from mine as she herself enjoys a more alternative lifestyle than me. While I'm currently enrolled in a well-known and valued university (not to toot my own horn), my sister finds solace in working a full-time job straight out of high school. 
    So really, the whole advantage that one supposedly has from where they live, the type of income their parents have, if their parents are together or not, etc. etc. only goes so far, the rest is up to what else comes along the way. 
  7. #7 BRZBoy, Oct 21, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 21, 2014
    Well firstly its for the most part outlets like MSNBC that continuously talk about "White Privilege" from that idiot Harris Perry, good ol Al Sharpton and the visits from the head of the monochrome coalition Jesse Jackson.
    Whats ironic about that entire topic discussed by measure any of them is there in the very top income brackets of any place on this planet. They talk about privilege and yet they live highly privileged lives in comparison with anyone on the planet Earth.
    Thankfully no one watches that channel though. The only reason its even on TV along with CNN is because of cable bundling.
    I am white, but dont consider my self privileged at all. I am a small business owner but it's actually not a privilege at all, its actually a tremendous pain in the ass usually.
  8. John Stewart had Bill O'Reilly on his show last week and went into an argument about white privilege. First time, hopefully the last, that I actually agreed with what Bill was saying.. that white privilege is a thing of the past. Sure, its still around and rooted to issues today, but everyone has their own privileges. It's like a video game, different classes have different skills.. and none are really better off than others, just better suited to circumstance.
  9. In the now, lines between privileged and not are drawn by wealth.
    My paternal grandmother was Cherokee and my father was called halfbreed.  His high school yearbook had his nickname printed as Halfbreed-Halfback.  Those hillbilly shitheads would not get away with that today.
    Funny you speak about that. Many Americans...most never travel outside of the country and a huge percentage never leave there state. All you have to do is go to any 3rd world nation or places like India. You will see a fully enacted caste system that is accepted, tolerated and has been around longer then anyone is alive here.
    The only reason why this crap is even discussed is when our beloved leader got into office rather then center he is extreme left. All the idiot lefties of the country that have been silenced usually have been running amok. These idiots actually believe there the majority in the country when there really the minority.
    They have hijacked our educational system, virtually all levels of government and most of the media. Take the Washington Redskins good god you would of thought that the end of the world was upon us. They would have you believe that everyone that supports a issue that Americans had no idea about was the center of the universe for a while.
    The great thing is there great engine of nonsense is about out of steam. There going to be losing horribly this fall and if America is smart we will not elected another community organizer obsessed with this crap.
  11. @OP. In the context of debate people of non white race will throw that term out to try to marginalize anything being said by a white person. It is a racist statement IMO. It equates to "you don't know what your talking about because your not (insert non white race here)". Which is a logical fallacy in the first place. I have seen Al Sharpton use that tactic on MSNBC when a white anchor made some good points.
  12. I don't feel it's racist, but indefinitely feel like it's a scape, there's no excuse for it. It's lazy, ignorant, debating.
  13. Another thing I'm thinking about is the middle class. The middle class has it hard, from what I've seen. Working 80 hours, not getting the same benefits as the poorer people or the richer people. We are held accountable to take care of ourselves AND others. The burden of the country is on the middle classes back.
    The idiot butt bars will keep trying to get a hillbily in chief into office.  They have an entire media superstructure dedidcated to that end - talk radio
  15. #15 garrison68, Oct 21, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 21, 2014
    Anybody can use phrases like hillbillies, rednecks, etc. all they want, to target working class people from particular areas and backgrounds.  They are the last minority where insults and abuse are allowed to discriminate against a group of people.  
    It was funny to see a Jew talk about white privileged. As Bill pointed out, Asians are the top paid by race but you never see anyone talk about Asian privileged.
  17. Didn't it seem like John was being unreasonable? I think he only got into that argument to antagonize Bill, which is their thing, but in doing so seemed like he threw reason out the window.
  18. it's a real phenomena.  i just walk around downtown and every ethnic group is like woah look at that white boy, lets go give him some stuff!!
  19. #19 Messiah Decoy, Oct 21, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 22, 2014
    It just depends.
    In some areas there are clearly benefits to being white. 
    Like getting stopped by the police or job hunting.
    Of course no cop is going to admit he treats blacks worse and no employer isn't going to admit he ignores applicants with black sounding names but that's all part of the game.
    Deny, deny, deny.
    My mother was half Jicarilla Apache.  She had the same issues.  She was taken away from her family and forced into a boarding school.  Her head was shaved and she was beaten severely for any infractions.  Infractions that included speaking her own language.  She ran away twice and was put in a cell and fed bread for 2 weeks and beaten.  Native children were dying of disease, malnutrition, neglect and abuse.  The school was finally closed and then torn down.  This was common treatment for native children from the early 1900's to the early 60's.  

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