White hairs turn brown much too early.

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by BiggFunkNugg, Jul 4, 2008.

  1. The hairs on my plants have been turning red and brown very early. Lately it has been happening a few days after they show up. I noticed that the buds stop expanding once this starts happening. The hairs look almost singed?

    I miss those big fresh white hairs that don't turn color for weeks after they have shown up and help me notice when my plant is finishing.
  2. Maybe heat, maybe root rot, its hard to say... But if they change color you might as well harvest and start your next batch, cause if you wait for it to throw more hairs its going to take a hella longtime. Sorry dude, had that same problem a couple of grows ago it was do to root rot.

  3. This usually happens If they have been polinated, look around for a male sac
  4. shit fuck. that sucks. I don't think it's from pollen. I've had crops ruined by hermies before but now its all the hairs turning and I can't see any seeds developing. It must be from the heat but it's not like I'm pushing 90 degrees or anything. As for root rot I can't see this being the problem. I use peroxide alot and I let the soil do almost bone dry before i water. This is really bothering me. Any more suggestions guys?
  5. Sorry Bigg.... there's not too much which can be done based on your answers of temps being in range and no root rot.

    Generally, if the flowers were pollinated, you should STILL see NEW pistils coming in...while the older ones die off to begin seed creation. The other thing is you usually will not see seeds right away - as this can take the life of the plant to fully develop properly.

    So I ask, are you seeing any new pistil forming?
    How do the fan leaves look?
    Can you provide a picture?

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