White & Black Seeds

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by MiZZuRKeD, Jul 17, 2008.

  1. Whats the difference?
  2. Never seen white or black seeds :confused:
    only light brown.
    not too into seeds though, clones are the way to go!
    but sorry can't help
  3. Seeds are white when they first form - they are immature and not yet viable.

    I have seen light brown, dark brown (near to black??) and even light/dark brown striped seeds on the same branch. No discernible difference in the plants they grow.
  4. If they are small black seeds i'm told they are more likey an outside strain. I have had problems germinating in rock wool recently and the normal sized brown seeds have turned black in the rock wool, if there not smaller than normal seeds they may be now good.

    I'm new at this so just repating what i've been told locally!

    Good luck with them anyway!
  5. cantharis is right, white equals immature. seeds are usually a green or brown (but i'm color blind.) the stripes on some seeds means nothing. that is an outer skin that can come off.
  6. I have a question for you about harvesting:

    I have one remaining plant to harvest. The pistils on her are still 95% white, but I'm not seeing any resin beading up on the little hairs. The leaves in the immediate bud area are dotted with little balls of resin. (im using a lupe to see)

    Should I chill, and wait for resin to appear on the pistils? Or wait until more have turn amber?

    Or harvest now?


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