whispers in my head?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by kushmanbenzo, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. aight this is some weird ass shit...so i was sitting in class about a couple weeks ago and suddenly i hear these weird ass whispers in my head...i cant understand what their saying at all but i heard em for probably a minute...then they just stopped. and whats hella weird is i used to hear this same shit now n then when i was in like 2nd and 3rd grade...and now they just start up again like 12 years later? (im 20 now) it hasnt happened since a couple weeks ago so i aint really worried at all im just kind of like what the fuck is this shit?? anybody experienced anythin similar?
  2. Does schizophrenia run in your family? It could be an underlying mental disorder, I would lay off the psychedelics for a while and see if these "voices" subside.
  3. I think I hear people talking sometimes when it's really quiet. I think it's just do to it being quiet and thats what I'm thinking about.
  4. You know that little voice in your head? That's called your conscience.
    If you hear a voice when there's nobody else around and it's not yours-- just ignore it.
  5. thats weird...one time it was a dark cold and quiet night. i was walking around smoking by myself and i was stoneed!:smoking: i kept hearing voices talk and shit in my head and i was freaked out but they went away as it only happend when i was peaking
  6. read up on schizophrenia. some people get it in theyre 20's
  7. Isn't there something called audio hallucinations? It's probably all in your head. You said you couldn't understand the noises so how do you know they were voices? Weed makes people paranoid.

    EDIT I just realized you weren't even smoking at the time.
  8. Yeah like others said, you might want to see if your family has a history of schizophrenia. Or tinnitus lol.
  9. Are you on the tv show LOST!? you could be in danger!

    As others have said you should look up schizophrenia/

  10. thisssssssss.

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