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Which way do you roll your blunts?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by DownSouthBalla5, Feb 7, 2009.

  1. right 2 left of course...
    swisher sweet or a optimo, split it, tuck
    and roll...
    toke it tz.:smoking:
  2. Whats this direction bullshit? I just roll the entire thing at once.
  3. Dude you have never tried rolling north?

  4. a north blunt? I dont know what to make of that, but I want to smoke it RIGHT NOW.
  5. HAHAHAHA i just laughed sso hard
  6. Dude you think you laughed

  7. Doesn't matter...they all end up with holes in the damn thing anyway!! Where's my bong??
  8. I roll the whole thing at once, lazy style.

    roller ftw.perfect l everytime
  9. Sunny side up. Harr.
    I think I roll mine left to right. ._.
    Don't use them too often.
  10. Yes finally a left handed toker! I myself roll exactly as you described :smoking:
  11. Glad I'm not alone haha.
  12. I roll left right middle in out up down and around.

    i roll whichever way the blunt takes me. just whatever seems right for that one.

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