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Which States Have Reciprocity?

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by Storm Crow, Nov 22, 2023.

  1. It's the winter holidays, and a lot of you may be traveling. So it's good to know which states will recognize your out of state MMJ card, and which will allow you to get a temporary MMJ card. This article covers both. :GettingStoned:

    Have a medical marijuana card? These states offer reciprocity

    For medical cannabis patients, traveling out-of-state can be anxiety-inducing. Federal law prohibits marijuana products from being taken across state lines, even if you’re going from one legal state to another. So, how does a patient ease their symptoms when visiting relatives or going on vacation?

    Some states with legal cannabis have put these patients in mind when writing regulations by offering medical marijuana reciprocity. Several markets allow patients to use their medical cannabis card at a local dispensary, while others may offer temporary in-state cards to visitors.

    Curious about which states have some form of medical marijuana reciprocity? Here’s a breakdown.

    States with reciprocity
    Have a valid medical cannabis card? The following states may allow you to use it at local dispensaries.

    Visitors to Louisiana or new residents with “debilitating conditions” such as chronic pain, multiple sclerosis, or traumatic brain injury can use out-of-state medical cannabis cards. The state is fairly restrictive regarding the products available and is limited to tinctures, sprays, capsules, topicals, and metered-dose inhalers.

    Maine has adult-use cannabis, but there are benefits to using a medical card, such as lower taxes and broader product availability. Visiting patients must have a card from an approved state and an illness similar to those listed on the state’s qualifying conditions list.

    Another adult-use state, Michigan allows the use of out-of-state medical marijuana cards as long as they are currently valid. Purchase limits are higher for medical patients, an incentive for card use. (snipped)

    Granny :wave:
    • Winner Winner x 4
  2. Thanks Granny. Great information as always.
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