Which showerhead diffused downstem?

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by RItoker, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. Ok so i've got an 18" SYN straight tube and I broke my disc-diffused downstem. No big deal, I had wanted a showerhead anyway. Originally I was planning on a nice Alex K, but the only place i know of to get them is ALT, and now they only have two on their site instead of the 10 or 12 they had a few months ago. My disc-diffused was 4.25" overall length and about 3.75" from the top of the ground joint to the bottom. I was wondering if anybody knows if the 4.75" overall Alex K will fit in the SYN, it seems like it might be just a little too long, and $80 plus s&h is a lot to fork over just for a test fit. Any help or other recommendations for a downstem are appreciated.
  2. check out SSFG on etsy...my friend has one of the travel tubes with a I think around 10 slit showerhead diffuser and it stacks bubbles like crazy. It's a little bit of a different style than the Alex K as it has slits around a bulbous end opposed to more diamond shaped cuts..Also much cheaper at 35 dollars + SH.
    Another good downstem that would fit your piece, that I have and love, is the LW 6 arm downstem..Another one that would fit is the SG 180 degree gridded one...Good luck!
  3. the alex k's on alt are worked downstems so thats why they are so expensive. just wait till they put more up cuz they are normally $42 plus shipping. SG's gridded stem looks awesome tho.

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