Trying to decide what to buy, these are from local headshops in Portland OR Local made Rasta w/ dome perk selling for 170$: Or Phire with green Tree perc going for $250 w/ eye bowl Bowl: Together: I think the phire looks SICK with the extra bowl on it (the bowl is going for 30$ on it's own so that would make this a 220$ bong) I prefer the Beaker bottom as well as a tree perc over a dome, but I don't know the quality of Phire glass so I need YOUR insight! Discuss!
that phire with the green bowl is sexy. if its good quality or you're not clumsy its the way to go IMO
get the first one,,especially if its a local blower,,you know its quality,and the PHIRE glass is imported,,shitty imo,,peace LEAR SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL GLASSBLOWER,,,,,,,,
the phire will DRAGGGGGG the dome won't drag as much but it will still drag i say if you can't afford a tube with a quality perc, it's never worth it. cheap percs take away from the tube's quality. i say just get a single chamber tube with a nice diffuser. Get a nice inline/circ/upline/multi-arm ashcatcher down the road to act as a second chamber.
Dude, neither of those are "locally made". Neither are worth those prices as well. You should head to East Hawthorne ave (around 39th ave and Hawthorne I think, all three shops are within eyeshot of each other and check out the other shops in/around portland too. The ones I'm talkin about are Smokin Glass, Third Eye, and Nomad's. And if you have time head out to Gresham, check out Liberty glass. Or buy the $800 original JBD they have at Pipes Palace!! haha. Seriously though, if your looking for LOCAL brands in Oregon, look for Treetop, Trident, or Kush tubes. They are inexpensive and are actually made in Oregon. I've had multiple from each brand, Trident is by far my favorite and I've never paid over 140 for a GonG diffused tube with art. Or head to Eugene to Midtown Glass (worth the drive). Usually ill prices and good selection. Remember, saying no is ok and its good to check out the selection at other places for comparison too.
phire makes good glass.go with the phire.i assume its thick glass as i have a phire 2 dome perc and its very very very thick glass
i like phire bongs but they local blown 1 is nice i like 2 suppost my local blowers if they make nice glass but its up 2 you its relli a matter of preference
The Rasta is in fact locally made, the same guy made most of the bongs that they have at pipes palace (his signature is probably on at least half of the bongs there) so I doubt that they would import basically their whole store.... Additionally one of the women there told me it was local. One problem with the phire is that the base is not perfectly flat and will rock slightly when pushed.... So today I'm going to try to go in and see if they will negotiate with the price