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Which Rohto's should I buy?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Can Abyss, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. There are a lot of different kinds, which ones work best for you guys? Thanks
  2. rohto ice redness relief
  3. Well I mean if you just want it to be the coldest or whatever get the Arctic but you can get Opcon A for the same price, like 8 bucks or something, 6
  4. green is the beginer one, won't burn too much but will help a lot with redness. next one is green then artic which is white, there's a "hydra" one but stay away from it because it doesn't help redness.
  5. Clear Eyes Ultimate Redness Relief. Best eye drops ever. Dont get me wrong, I love Rhotos like the next stoner, but I think Clear Eyes works the best and alot longer. I also find that Clear Eyes are alot more soothing for the eyes too.
  6. I prefer the blue Rohto-Vs.

    They were my go-to eye drops all through high school when I needed to conceal red eyes. They never failed me.

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