Which one would you choose?

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by psychedelickz, Sep 19, 2013.

  1. whích one should i  save for first?
    a small bong for 10€, a 70cm bong for 25€, a giant shísha for 80€, a pipe for 20€, a pocket vaporizer for 150€ or a good big grinder for 20€?

  2. WTFF ahhahahah how about none?
  3. mhmmm i want one :confused_2:
  4. Depends on what you already have. Smoke a bowl and then sit and think this would have been better if I had a.. and the first one that pops into your head get it. :-D
  5. i still have nothing other than joints ;D
  6. OK then smoke a joint and do the same thing :-D
  7. LMAO! ok you gave us nothing is the $10 bong a little plastic one or a little glass on glass one =(i kno 10 for glass on glass is cheap but you migth be buying a used chinese pecie idk). wtf is a 70cm bong. is it glass on glass again. just glass or plastic?. the pipe for 20 seems like a good choice for you. why on earth would you buy a girnder if you dont have a pipe yet? it wouldcvee been easier if you said whats the  best thing i can get for my budget and given us ur budget.
  8. Get A Vaporizor N Swishers
  9. both bongs are glass
  10. glass and glass on glass are completely different. so which one is it? i would just buy a pipe and smoke with the rest of the money. cheap bongs arent worth it the glass is like 1mm thik at the base and can break at any second
  11. in the shop were i will buy it(only one near) they only have bongs from 10 to 25€  different sizes and all made of only glass
  12. oh my god. google glass on glass. im not asking are they all glass. im asking are they glass on glass. you boviously dont know what it means just google it and get back to me

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