I know its a boring post, but screw it. I would say Wily E. Coyote since it seems if I try my hardest on something I almost always get screwed over. (Maybe I should take a vow of silence and carry around signs lol)
MR BEAN!! ID BE MR BEAN wait..hes not a loony toon........he should be!! i voted for bugs, im always jokin with somebody
Had to pick bugs. Why? well, aside from the fact that I grew up on looney toons, he's a fellow wabbit, we gotta stick together ya know? edit: aw yeah, Mr. Bean rocks all ass. all of it. that movie kinda sucked though. I was content watching him on pbs at 3 am on sundays.
i went with wild E coyote. lol who else voted for him and didnt fess up!??!?! if only I could just pull out signs as fast as he does to express my emotion of the moment, my life would be so much simpler.
I'd say I was Pepe Lepew....always chasin pussy EDIT: The Mr Bean movie didnt suck, that shit was the bomb
Huh???? Where's Taz??? If I could be a Loony Toon, I'd be Taz. I remember Animaniacs. They were always on early in the morning.
Daffy Duck cause i'll do some savage shit for the money and no one thinks he's all that but one episode taz stole some money from daffy and daffy wupped his ass and left taz unconcious TAZ! like SHIT P.S. what the fuck r u smokin'
got to be bugs no one elts in history was as cofident or self assured never did he panic or "wigg out" always the man !! even when he dressed like a woman!
It's time for Animaniacs And we're zany to the max So just sit back and relax You'll laugh 'til you collapse We're Animaniacs! Come join the Warner Brothers And the Warner Sister, Dot Just for fun we run around the Warner movie lot. They lock us in the tower whenever we get caught But we break loose and then vamoose And now you know the plot! Yes we're Animaniacs! Dot is cute and Yakko yaks. Wakko packs away the snacks While Bill Clinton plays the sax. We're Animaniacs! Meet Pinky and the Brain who want to rule the universe. Goodfeathers flock together; Slappy whacks 'em with her purse. Buttons chases Mindy, while Rita sings a verse. The writers flipped; we have no script Why bother to rehearse? We're Animaniacs! We have pay-or-play contracts. We're zany to the max There's baloney in our slacks. We're Animanie, Totally insaney Here's the show's namey: Animaniacs! Those are the facts! - proof that I watch far too many cartoons.
doesn't anyone remember 'tiny toons'? just saw it on nickelodeon in fact. It wasn't quite as good as animaniacs, and it wasn't even close to the original looney toons, but at least it's better than 'baby looney toons' *shudder*
the first few episods of tiny toons where hillarious!!! all this acme.....what about woody woodpecker? that was a funny fucker....lol (not to degrade acme)