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Which is worse

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by akhans, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. #1 akhans, Feb 2, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2011
    So, as the title says: which is worse (bold parts are edits):

    Having a lighter and bowl but no weed. self explanatory

    Having a bowl and weed but no lighter. (or other such device such as matches, stove, beeline, etc.)

    Having a lighter and weed but no bowl. (or other such device including but not limited to: homemade toking devices, bong, papers, vape, etc.)

    My choice is #2. Although it did feel like an accomplishment the one time I had to make 2 matches keep a bowl rolling between 4 people. story closely related but doesn't qualify as an example of why to choose #2. I don't know why I included it. Probably because I was high.
  2. Id rather not have a lighter. They cost two bucks.. Plus i could just use my stove.
    Then again, homemade smoking devices can be fun to make.
  3. last night i had a little bit of bud and no lighter
    first draw i searched in the kitchen had matches
    i was a happy
    but yeah dont know how many times i couldnt sleep and packed a bowl at like 3 in the morning to realize i left my lighters at a friends place, shit is the worst
  4. Welp..
    Don't actually need a lighter to smoke, so I'd say bowl+weed any day.
    Just have to get crafty.
  5. Lol I was expecting the overwhelming answer to be number 1. Good points were mentioned though about number 2 XD
  6. Option 3 for me, just roll a joint or something.
  7. well since it says which is worse, id say #1 easy
  8. obviously not having the weed would be the worst.

    you could easily get a lighter or get a makeshift peice goin in no time, finding weeds a little different
  9. Im surprised people actually said 2 or 3 like seriously only reason those would suck is because you are not able to smoke your weed. But number 1 you dont have any weed to begin with. idk #1 definitally sucks the worst.
  10. No ganj... obviously. There's enough household items to make a smoking apparatus or a means to light something it's not that difficult.
  11. Not having sucks. Having and not being able to smoke is way worse imo.
  12. id rather have a bowl and light with no bud. there are other things u can smoke in ur bowl! don't be so narrow minded! you got...crack, and...uh...crack
  13. I'd MUCH rather have the bowl/weed and no lighter.

    Hell, that wouldn't matter at all because I have a vaporizer :p
  14. Yeah you can work around all of the options with relative ease aside from the one where you have no bud. Creativity is the key.

  15. definately 1 its real easy to improvise and make your own smoking devices or use stove, car lighter etc but no point if you dont have weed
  16. Edited for clarification.

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