Which is worse?

Discussion in 'General' started by Jordan21, Oct 4, 2010.

  1. Which is worse losing a pet that youve had From when your about 5-8 til 15-18 And were very very close with or losing a family member that you were not that close with, and barley knew?

    I had both i lost a pet that was very close to me since i was a child and i lost a family member when i was young but i didnt really know her or who she was to me and it really didnt hit me like it hit every one else.
  2. The second part.......uhhh I felt completly horrible when my oldest cat died. I also had a family member Die and I didn't really know them.

    Depends on the friendship/relationship
  3. Whats with the either or threads?
  4. Haha idk they just pop im my head and make me think.
  5. Probably pet, in this.

    Pet was around for 10 of 18 years of life, probably every single day.

    family member.......not likely so much.

    It's odd if we have to admit we love an animal, or a place, or some random thing more than a person......but it happens all the time.

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