Which is more knowledgable

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by collie_man, Feb 20, 2009.

  1. He who has the capability to obtain a vast amount knowledge, yet only actually possesses a small amount of knowledge


    He who does not have the ability to retain a vast amount, yet has filled up what he can with much knowledge.

  2. He who has the capability to obtain a vast amount knowledge, yet only actually possesses a small amount of knowledge.

    Potential is everything.
  3. I hope you realize you said the same thing twice. In order for the 2nd sentence to be different it would have to be worded: He who has the capability to obtain a miniscule amount knowledge, yet possesses a large amount of knowledge

    Who ever you are, with whatever capacity you have, it is important to be able to recall what you need, when you need it. Otherwise you could get into messes quite easily, depending on what you're attempting/defending
  4. Yes maybe I worded it confusing... however, if you actually read it, the second sentence sas NOT have the ability.
  5. Not have much retention, yet can fill up that amount with much? Thats contradicting yourself.

    unless of course you can be more specific by proposing that the tiny bit of info is really qualitative, absolute, and flawless
  6. It's really quite simple... maybe if i state it in a different way.

    Who is smarter, somebody who has had no education in his life, yet if given the chance could learn/retain/analyze information with exceptional ease.


    Somebody who has received an education, has quite a bit of knowledge (a high iq), yet it did not come so easy to him/her. They cannot really analyze, but rather only comprehend.

  7. Well put. I think a timely balance of both is best. However, who's the best in reality?
  8. I think until the smart guy learns some shit, the other guy is more knowledgeable. The ability to learn does not equate to knowledge IMO.
  9. the first one would ultimately become the second one
  10. potential aint shit if it aint bein used.
  11. Like Bruce Lee said

    Its better to practice 1 technique 100 times than practice 100 different techniques once.

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