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Which is a Better Way to Spend My Money?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by ElScorcho420, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. My dealer is offering me either an eighth of medical marijuana from California for $70, or an ounce of low-quality but not completely shitty marijuana for $100. I'm planning on baking firecrackers most of the time (so obviously the $100 ounce would be perfect for that), but I also will end up smoking a pretty good amount for fun. What would you do?
  2. $70 an eighth for dank is steep even my my area. I'd try to lower him to $60 or no deal.

    But if you're gonna make edibles just bake a batch of brownies or cookies with the mids.
  3. Smoking less, but more quality bud is probably better for my lungs, but honestly I like to just be able to see a huge bag of pot for my smoking haha. Roll a bunch of blunts and just smoke while playing some Rock Band. :smoking:

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