Which Inline Piece Would You Get?

Discussion in 'Smoking Pipes, Glass Spoon Pipes' started by Kombatic, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. #1 Kombatic, Feb 10, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2011
    I can not decide of the two which one to get.

    The double inline perc'd bubbler from etsy is 165 (pic 1)

    And the headford inline bubbler from aqua is 140 (pic 2).

    I would post links but I do not know if they are allowed

    The double inline bubbler is 11" while the headford is 10"

    They both had 11 slits in each inline (which means the double has 22)

    Attached Files:

  2. get the double
  3. the headford by far its jake and ben wilson's company its high quality glass for a great price, i have hit it before and its a very good hit. and the other one will have mad drag cause of the multiple inlines
  4. get the Headford, the double inline will prolly be draggy and ruin the flavor of the smoke.
  5. The second for sure. It's too sick. Plus it's somewhat unique looking, and that's always a plus in my book.
  6. I'd go with the headford bro
  7. i would get the double and heres why:
    cuz if that inline is draggy, all you have to do is put another A/c on it and you still nhave a bubbler cuz the inline is removable from the sherlock handle! so its really like 2 in 1. but thats just me, i like to be able to use all my stuff together and switch things up
  8. for the headford it says you should vape with it. Does that mean using a glass rod instead of butane? if so where can i get one of those
  9. not sure exactly what vaping is and cant find anything on google not pertaining to vaporizers.
  10. Im pretty sure it means to be used as an oil rig. With a dome or curve instead of a normal bud slide.
  11. Headford for sure I've heard many people say it's a quality bubbler and worth the money. I feel the double inline would just be super draggy

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