Obviously both sexes can post (no pics please) kinda hard to tell but I think my left is lower and I'm not sure which is bigger. I'll have to look again or get someone's opinion. but I do know for sure that they're still growing
my left boob is a tiny bit bigger than my right, but only a tiny bit lol, your talking about balls i figured it out
Right is a tad bigger and hangs a little lower, I was so worried about it a while ago. Come to thig of it I was worried about my guys trig to cool off before I knew it was natural for them to hang when they are too hot. The joy of learning.
actually I was talking other body parts that are a little higher up . I Hear they never stop growing and it sure is funny how the weather in some way, effects both of the other two body parts that you guys and gals are talking about. but cold makes Guys retract & girls protrude
My left eye is slightly bigger than my left, I hate it. That's why most of my pics are from one side lol Actually, the whole left side of my body has a slightly bigger everything from my right. Boob, foot, my left ear and left half my nose and left side of my mouth(lips) are slightly higher than the right side