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Which breeders are considered the best?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Seggs, Aug 21, 2008.

  1. Which breeders are considered the best?

    Nirvana? Sensi? Dutch Passion? ???
  2. #2 Seggs, Aug 21, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 21, 2008

    How does Nirvana fair?

    I actually am more likely to buy from HGS than anyone else...
  3. Nirvana rocks if you can get them on special.... my advice, check seedbay each Friday evening. They always have specials that you can land a shitload of GOOD quality seed!

    Not sure what else you want. I've been a member of seedbank for almost 6yrs....never had a prob.... so what do ya need?
  4. Well I am planning and preparing for next years grow...

    I am looking at getting...

    10 Auto Ak47
    10 Auto Diesel
    10 WW
    10 Purple Something ???

    Obviously I will get the Autos from Lowlife seeds... probably off of Dr. Chronic...

    But I need to get some WW and some sort of purple strain...

    ETA: Also, I am trying to get 2-4 females from each strain... are these numbers good for that?

    I want to make my purchase soon, but I really would like to wait and see what highgrade-seeds has to offer...

    Any recommendations for a breeder with WW or a good purple strain?
  5. Soon... Im getting my hands on some autos!! Gott'a love them! lol... Dutch P. has been around for YEARS !!

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