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Which Bong Should I Buy?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Master Haku, Jun 19, 2013.

  1. hello everyone, i have $400 to spend on a new bong and was wondering what you guys would recommend for me. I've been looking at nate dizzle swiss perc bongs and illadelphs.
    thanks for the help, Master Haku

  2. Check out Zobs
  3. For 400 I'd go for a Sov, 4.0, Itza, DG, Nate dizzle, SGW, etc. I mean it's all preference. If you can go to a LHS and water test a few and see what ya like. If you already know then tell us and we can get more specific.
    1 perc? 2 pers?
    What kind of perc
    What size
    What you'll be using it for
    smoothness or flavor or a bit of both

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