which benzo do you like?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by waterhurley, Nov 7, 2008.

  1. #1 waterhurley, Nov 7, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 7, 2008
    so for all you benzo useres/expirimenters, which pill do u find give you he best effects? ive pretty much touched them all but avitan, and ppl tell me avitan is a rush and awesome!

    Whats your favorite?

    ive done them all except avitan. ppl says it give you a good rush and shit so i wanna give 'er a whirl
  2. its all about klonos for me was addicted for a while but ive been off them for several months so its all good. i hate lorazepam (ativan) i used to love it but now it makes me feel confused and no euphoria or bliss. i like xanax but klonos are all around the best, the last a long time and i just love how i dont give a fuck about anything on them.
  3. Xanax and Klonopins. Xanax to get blitzed and Klono's to add to the chill.
  4. I like to have a few roofies on hand at parties... the girls love em. Kidding haha
  5. Halcions. Triazolam. Bad ass drug. Benzo as well.
  6. my votes for klonopin...i was never a huge benzo fan if i was taking them alone, i liked to drink or shoot dope on them and i mostly took xanax. but by itself id say klonopin is the most intoxicating and it lasts a good long time which is a plus
  7. some good kpins are my fav. sure you gotta take more than you would xanax but it just lasts soooo much longer. booya
  8. For some reason kpins didn't do it for me, Ill always stick to my xannies
  9. K-pins for me. I take 4mg daily...

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