
Discussion in 'General' started by daguyinyourtree, Mar 15, 2010.

  1. What up forum! its been a long time.
    I'm stuck with a tremendous dilemma...I loooove bud...love isn't even the word! I praise weed with much adulation. But, I had to quit. One of the main reasons was because I was broke, nowhere to live, and was kicked out of my parents house constantly so I quit, went to school, and became a paramedic. Now I have a home, a career, and a better life. But since there is chance of a random drug test, I am not willing to lose everything I have achieved. I miss bud sooo much though, and I'm always thinking about it. I know I could probably get passed the drug tests, but I feel that peoples lives are in my hands on a daily basis and that starting to smoke again could compromise me from fulfilling my duties. WHAT SHOULD I DO?????

    EDIT: Forgot to mention...I cant do it once a week or so because once I start I know there is a great chance I will start doing it daily again...
  2. i dunno man. by random is it like your at work n all the sudden, "oh hey, your gettin drug tested today." or do they call you up?
    id say make sure you always have some detox, n as for ppls lives bein on the line. just dont go to work high. i dont even really think ppl make bad decisions while they are high, of course there are always exceptions.
  3. yea, its random. you come in to work and they just give you a cup to pee in. once I start working for the city, it will be even worse because they test you through your hair. It's not that I will be going to work high per se, I know how my mind and body reacts to bud even AFTER my high wears off. I tend to forget shit and my reaction slows down, and in my field of work, you need to do a lot of multitasking and sometimes there is a very short time to actually save someone, like yesterday, I had a call to someone bleeding out of their shunt (patient on dialysis) and if someones shunt is bleeding, they have about 5 minutes till they bleed out and die. we arrived at the scene in 2 minutes, and the person has been bleeding for about 1 minute prior to the call. So we only had 2 minutes to stop the bleeding and take care of the guy as he was going into decompensated shock... anyway, my point is, I need a keen memory and fast reaction to do my job properly and save someone. But I love my bud...
  4. well i mean you can still smoke without throwing away everything.
    just gotta moderate it, smoke when your not working, or after work, or something, just not a lot, and don't make yourself WANT the weed, make it so you can smoke and know enough is enough. i know how much you love it,i do to lmao, but sometimes you gotta set priorities, but of course the good ol mary j can be in your life. :]

    EDIT: about the drug testing
    its all about that then lol, if you loose your job then no bueno
    but if you can get around the drug testing then you can def smoke weed, just don't smoke a shit load before work etc, make sure you are 100% FREE for the day before you do, and thats when its the best :]
  5. The answer is obvious.
  6. You're right. I guess I could try to moderate it....it will be difficult, I wish you could smoke in SIMS, that way I could live out my daydreams in virtual reality...
  7. are you willing to throw it all away to get stoned?

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