wheres your weed when you drive?

Discussion in 'General' started by erofolio, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. So, when I go pick up a bag or taking a bag with me I put it in a couple different places..

    Where do you put yours and why?

    Most often I put my bud behind the gas tank flap. I never had a cop check there. Ever.

    I also have a cd case with a lil spot I can hide it in if its only a gram or 2.

    Sometimes I put it in my shoe... or old trash.
  2. In my pocket, or loaded in a bowl. Drive safe, keep your vehicle maintained, and obey traffic laws and you won't have problems.
  3. put it under my nuts haha
  4. In my pocket or under the seat, even if i get pulled over, they won't have a reason to search me.
  5. In my pocket or in the trunk.
  6. I only drive with small amounts, but it's usually inside my steering wheel. The cover pops off and back on, hides it perfectly.
  7. Usually throw it on the dash so it acts as one of those air scents.
  8. In my center console. I have no reason to get in there even if pulled over, (andit's half way broke), so it's a safe location.
  9. On the way back to my place after I purchase it.:)

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